Friday, December 31, 2010
Chase Your/Our Dreams...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I thought I'd share everything that came to mind when I thought of the word love...these are not only for spousal relationships but also relationships with friends and family. We all need to get and give love, it really does conquer all....
perfectly imperfect
blind to flaws but aware they are what makes us all special
laughter balanced with some tears of sadness
not a thing but a feeling
telling all secrets in confidence of not being judged
risk taking
giving with no expectations of a return
a push to be the best YOU
forgiveness...over and over and over (u get it...)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Random...Gwen Stefani
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry CHRISTmas Eve!!

Wishing everyone a very Merry CHRISTmas Eve! All the stores are beginning to close and the wrapping rush begins :-))) Surprisingly I did my shopping early this year and I had my gifts wrapped and under the tree last night. I even went out today because it felt so weird not having to shop the days before Christmas. The grocery store was a parking lot, between Christmas dinners and the forecast for snow was a recipe for disaster. Target was even worse!!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Happiness...I need FEEDBACK!
What is your definition of happiness?? Do you think happiness is a destination or a continuous journey? Do people allow others (media, friends, family ect.) views of happiness define what they feel it really is?
Honest opinions...THX!! Feel free to go into detail, I love to listen :-))
Monday, December 20, 2010
Vision Board...

DeSean Jackson does it again...GIANTS
Dodge was nervous before he punted the ball and DeSean Jackson already knew what he was about to do. As he taunted him waving as to say "c'mon kick it right to me" LOL! That block around the 45 yd line helped him to take it all the way in!
Since my Skins will not be in the playoffs I have to ride with the Eagles to support my man Vick and my new comedian on the field...DeSean Jackson!!
I hope you ENJOY!
Happy Monday!
I'll be putting up a pic and blog about my vision board! So glad I participated...I was so into it and my vision board has so many different things on it so I have a lot to focus on now.
4 1/2 DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS!!! I wonder if we will have a white one this year....
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The "Secret" & Oprah...

Oprah is another amazing individual that I study and she also speaks on how she uses the Law of Attraction in her life. We all know how successful Oprah is so I'll definitely take her word for it. A lot of us look at her and say well she has this and that, she know this and that person but she did not START out with all those things and connections. If you have the drive anything can be accomplished and a vision board is a good way to start because he makes you sit down and really think about what it is you would like accomplish, the type of lifestyle you want to live and begins your planning stage as far as what ways you will begin getting there. Once you have those visualizations, it's easier to keep your mind focused. I'll probably start off with a short term vision board so I don't become overwhelmed then gradually add to it as the short term goals become reality.
For 2010 I tried to focus on changing my mind and thinking and for 2011 and I trying to focus on actually taking action....keep praying for me! Things have already began looking good for me :-)))
Monday, December 13, 2010
Miya Bailey Q&A: Part 3....
QnA with Miya Bailey pt 3 from artemus jenkins on Vimeo.
How many of us had a dream as a child that we have not pursued?? I know I have...some things seem as if they are untouchable or unattainable but as I get older I see that it really is, we just have to have discipline and will power. Easier said then done but the good part is we know it can be done.
I hope you enjoyed....
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Cooking Mama....
I'll be sure to make updates of all my new creations. Below is experiment 1: Chicken came out deeeeelicious considering it was my first time fixing this dish.
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
As the new year is quickly approaching I've been thinking of some new things for the blog!! Definitely don't want to stay stagnant, doing the same things...2010 was more about digging deep within myself and looking at situations and learning to look for a lesson in even the smallest scenarios. I feel I'm at a new phase and I'm sure everyone will love it!! If not, I do so that's what matters most :-)))
Keep checking back and feel free to comment and leave suggestions! I'll still be posting things before 2011 but I just thought I'd blog and let people know what's on my mind right now.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I have no clue what is going on right now but I just feel sooooo frustrated! Nothing in particular has taken place but I'm just having one of those days. I'm trying to keep my cool at work but it seems as if everything is just irritating the FOCK out of me. Woooossaaahhhh...I had a few things on my mind so I'm sure that has a little to do with it. I have been working on giving control to God and stop trying to figure everything out and make moves on my own. I prayed for patience and He's surely testing and strengthening it.
just had to vent...thanks for listening *blows bangs*
1...2....3...Breathe eazzyyyyyy
Q&As w/ Miya Bailey...
QnA with Miya Bailey from artemus jenkins on Vimeo.
Q&A With Miya Bailey Pt. 2 from artemus jenkins on Vimeo.
Artist are meant to inspire, influence as well as help you to tap into that touch of creativeness that I feel we all possess...thank u!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Mike Vick Project....
My opinion still stands that race played a key part in the harsh punishment that was received. I do agree he should have owned up and dealt with consequences for his actions but the degree of punishment and publicity is what pissed me off. Everyone has that time in their life or incident that forces them to change, alot of people sucumb to the pressure of their trials. Vick showed us how strong and determined he was/is and proving to everyone who wants to brand him with this label as a cruel "dog killer". He's proving he is more than that and has a lot to offer and can also serve as a role model for kids as well as adults who feel its the end of the world when big mistakes are made. We can overcome ANY obstacle, we have to be the ones to make that decision to change and have faith in God.
No matter how much good Vick has done, no matter how many touchdown passes he throws the media is going to continuously be sure he doesnt forget his mistakes. During a timeout of the "carnage" lol of the Redskins they showed clips of him in court, getting locked up and pleading his case in reference to the dog fighting. My question is, was that the only footage they could find after he has served time, completed community service, became a better family man and the list goes on?? The lesson i got from it was our mistakes will always follow us but they dont have to consume or define us. We can choose to remember the mistake or the lessons learned from them. Vick is showing how to do the latter.
So to answer the question to the title....YES it is OK to cheer!! People should have been cheering when he was at his lowest point, thats when he needed it the most. Its easy to support the good but its more valuable when you support the progress from negative to positive....
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Happy Birthday Mr. Carter!!!
I know Bey will continue to "cater to you" :-))
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Colors and abstract are my favorite! When this was enlarged into an 8x10 it took this basic window treatment in Anthropologie (clothing store) to a whole different level. It's like the sun is fighting it's way through the structure and the patterns on the wall can serve as faux sun rays. The interpretation is left to the eye of each individual but I love the energy the most that comes from the art itself....
Lights Out....
Thursday, December 2, 2010
HEARTLESS: The Fray....
The FRAY - Heartless from IE HAGY on Vimeo.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Window Shopping...
Since I began blogging I've been trying to expand my vocabulary so it will give me more leverage in getting my point across on posts. The dictionary/thesaurus app on my phone is my best friend! When you have an expansive vocab, it eliminates a lot of "like" "umm" "that thing" "you know what I'm saying" out of everyday conversation.
As I'm reading Decoded, I'm on the section "Politics As Usual"...Jay spoke on the fact that between 1989 and 1994 more black men were murdered on the streets of America than died in the entire Vietnam War. That was craaaazy to me and we all know there were a lot of killings during the big cocaine and police brutality era but using that analogy shows just how bad things were. I question if things are still the same if not worse OR has the gov't just found a better method at hiding these statistics and "cold cases". "America did not want to talk about the human damage, or deeper causes of the carnage". Which is when censorship of rap music came into place...a lot of topics expressed in rap were MOST of the times real situations taking place in black communities all over.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Kanye & Our Fears reflected thru Judgements of Others...
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I Love to Read...
I finally received my Decoded book! Flipping thru the book there are tons of amazing pics as well as lots and lots to read. I initially assumed the book would solely be filled with images but i was mistaken, ill be reading for a while. I included a few pages from the book...Jay has done it again :-)
One of the greatest...Notorious B.I.G
All Black Everything...this movement was inspired by his love for the Black Panther Party
We all know Politics can be a bitch!
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Kid Cudi....
I've been listening to Kid Cudi's new album "Man On The Moon II" and it is DOPE! I listened to a couple tracks on his last album "Man On The Moon" but not the entire album but I took a interest in Cudi when I saw a video of him inebriated in the streets of LA (I think). Then he was on 106 & Park acting very outlandish, he has admitted to using coke in the past...I'm thinking he may still be enjoying those highs 0_o
Listening to his seems as if he's crying out for help. I understand him a lot more and I'm sure plenty of people can relate to his life and the cause of his actions. One of my favorite songs, other than Ashin' Kusher (banger!), is 'Trapped In My Mind' I've included the song below...I feel everyone can relate in some way to this song....
"Trapped In My Mind" - Kid Cudi by dustinnguyen
A verse that stuck out to me as far as myself is "I'm stuck in rewind though I'm looking forward man I wish I knew what went wrong"....I deal with this all the time! Trying to move forward and become better but my mind won't allow me to. But I have to take control of my thoughts and mind, like I've said before the mind is a very powerful thing! I'm always thinking "what if I would have..." thinking about things I could've done differently or not done at all where would I be. But I can't continue focusing on that because what has happened is over and done with and it's a reason or a lesson behind it all. Jay Z (oops I mentioned him again) said it best "in order to survive you gotta learn to live with regrets".
We all have reasons behind every negative choice we've made, words we say but once it's done it's done. I'm ok when I'm having my good days and I'm on Cloud 9 but on those low days that's when I rewind thoughts and get down on myself. I have to start using my low days as times to strengthen my mind and thoughts. Constantly and Consciously replacing negative thoughts with positive ones....
Lengthy post...I know! By the way the picture above is a pic I took for my photography class, it goes perfect with the "Man On The MOON II" album title #random
Last Hovi Post...Promise
I tried to walk alone never knowing where I was going
I went from wanting to be a pediatrician to a computer tech
From a photographer to model then settling for baby mama; only for security, ohh how silly of me
I loved to get high, not on Mary anymore, but from my plans that went right out the door
I never achieved because I really didn’t believe
I didn’t believe because I knew none of it was really for me, got tired of going around in circles
Still living life with no purpose...Going no where fast still finishing last
I always wanted more for myself but I had to learn first to get over myself
Truly making God my focus, life stop feeling so hopeless
Wiping my hands of all my future plans, all past memories blown away like sand
Still a work in progress but determined not to regress
Surrendering was the best choice yet, armoring myself against all threat
No more morbid convos that stirs up trouble as fast as the time goes
They say what’s in you will pour so true without a doubt
I am so blessed, how dare I put God through all this stress??
I’ve apologized for all my mess now I’m letting HIM take care of the rest!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Decoded SOLD OUT Nationwide!
Jay Z's interviewing style is so funny to me...very witty!
Uploaded by yardie4lifever2. - Discover more webcam videos and video blogs.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Please provide feedback...if u agree or disagree! If you have experienced this, how did it affect you and what did you do to please yourself or those involved.
"Most young Kings (Queens lol) get their heads cut off"....Jay describes how the people close to you feel as if you have changed when you reach a certain level of success or in your journey to success. Why stay the same if you are trying to become better?? How can you reach your full potential hanging around people who aren't going in the same direction? Is changing wrong?? My opinion is no, as long as it's for the better and you are being true to yourself. People will have something to say whether you are doing good or bad so why not do YOU...their going to talk anyways. We need to get out of the mindset of wanting to be liked and accepted so much that we will be unhappy on the inside as long as it looks good on the outside. Society has popularized "image" so much that we will do anything to make something look good no matter how faux we really are. People always talk about "keep it real" but the question is who are we keeping it real with? Definitely not ourselves....
Maybe we as individuals need to DECODE ourselves and we can see who we really are and what we believe in then it will be easier to move on and feel good about the CHANGES we make because it's all done in the pursuit of pure happiness. And only those who genuinely care for us will understand.
Take a look at the video and tell me what you think! ENJOY!
(for the ppl who r looking for the video, when you click on the word SUCCESS that is underlined it will direct you to the video)
Always try to start the day out with positive readings or definitely makes a difference. Now I'm getting back to work...
Spread love...give out what you are seeking to find! "Pay it forward"
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Spending Time w/ ME...

Dad knows Best...
No matter how hard people try to hold things in it rarely happens. Some people just can't keep secrets for various reasons...they just frankly can't hold water, others just talk so much they don't think about what they are saying and some just like to feel important as if they have the latest juicy gossip. But whatever the reasoning are, if there is something you don't want to get out keep it to YOURSELF, write it down, tell GOD and if it makes you feel better tell him "pssst don't tell this to nooobody" but the minute you repeat it to someone else expect it to come out sooner or later. Or of course, you could kill them after you tell it then surely it will not to get beyond the two of you LOL!
Just one of my random posts, the older I get all of my Dad's words, sayings and teachings become even more valuable. #DADSROCK!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Miss SYDNEY aka "DIVA"....
So yesterday I did a mini photo shoot with Sydney who is the 6yr old niece of my partner Ebony...this was another assignment for my photography class. The assignment was to take photos of things that bring us happiness. So my initial idea was to get a child, wearing adult clothes, with shopping bags. I love children, shopping and dressing up in clothes and accessories. But Miss Sydney turned that little assignment into a full fledged photo shoot! She took direction so well and was serious while having fun! She knew how to continuously pose while the camera while just snapping away. Kids are so innocent and always (I'm sure the parents out there will beg to differ lol) bring happiness and just love to have fun!
As all my friends know I'm always being shy and nervous about just about everything! So Sydney says to me "I'm NEVER shy...NEVER and if I do get nervous I know people are going to say GO SYD GOOO" yup, a 6 yr old "checked me boo" lol But she was right, as long as you listen to the positive people in your corner you can do anything. We all mess up but that's what makes the journeys and lessons worth while :-)
I ended up with 188 photos!!! So trying to find my favorites to post was almost impossible! This little girl has so much personality and spunk it's insane and I also got in a picture of her little brother who was saying "CHEESE CHEESE" throughout the whole night lol After we were all done at 10 pm, Syd says "so are ya'll ready for the fashion show now"??? As all the adults looked at each other half sleep. So keep your eyes open for her...she's ready! Go Syd Gooo!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Faced Fear!!

I finally faced one of my fears as far as photography goes! I have a terrible fear of approaching people on the street asking them if I can take their pictures. I know when people approach me, it kind of creeps me out. So for an assignment for my photography class we had to get "City Life" images. I saw this lady eating on the bench with her bike, helmet and basket. I thought that was a good depiction of city life....a woman on the moving squeezing in a bite to eat. Of course by the time I got the picture she was done eating. I was on the phone with my good friend Terrelle and she told me "you better go over there and ask her...what's the worst that could happen"!!! I'm going back and forth with her like but what if she curses me out, what if she says see where this is going?? My minds way of procrastinating and trying to get out of doing what needs to be done.
I finally got up the guts to ask her....I just told her my assignment for class was to get some "City Life" photos and I thought she would be a good photograph. I also let her know these would just be for class purposes only. She was very nice about and said YESS! *as the sweat beads rolled down my back*....I just told her she didn't need to do anything in particular, just continue her phone conversation. So the lesson from this is...the mind is very powerful, people are not as mean as we think they are. And if someone says no, that's all they can say and you just accept it, say thank you and move on! After I did that, every other photo I had to get was a breeze.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Will Smith...
The saying is true "Your NetWork Determines Your NetWorth"
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Tunnel Vision...
Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Monday, August 9, 2010

I loved this short poem, blurb whatever you want to call it...this a good way to keep a sane mind when dealing with relationships. A lot of time we have too many expectations and think we can etch everything in stone then end up stressed out. We take the fun out of dating, courting and even marriages....just enjoy every moment! Let things have a natural flow. Somethings work out and some don't but each circumstance has valuable lessons! Not preaching...this is an area I'm actively working on myself.
Wisdom - Introduction from State Library of New South Wales on Vimeo.
Came across this blog on Diddy's blog site and I thought all the words of wisdom were amazing! Each person had a different view but they all were relevant...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Summer In the City: Dubelyoo

So I just purchased this hot painting from @dubelyoo (follow him on twitter)...I can't wait for it to come in!! I found this from a retweet from Miya Bailey and as soon as I saw it I had to have it. It immediately took me back to my childhood...I was and somewhat still am a tomboy. I loved being outside in the summer playing basketball, football, racing people, riding bikes EVERYWHERE, water balloon/water gun fights, nigga knockers, endless trips to the ice cream truck and never wanting to come in the house. I just love to be free and have fun, I can find fun anywhere I go. Experiencing anything new is thrilling to me.... Then my love for music is depicted in the boom box and it's ironic because I was just talking about how i wanted to find an ol' skool boom particular reason tho lol Being a kid was so much fun and whenever I want to revisit limitless and free living I think back on those days. Check out more of Dubelyoo's artwork at his site which is linked to his name.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Pharrell talks Success w/ No Limits...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Getting Organized...
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
My Yellow Book...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Controlling Emotions VS. Being A Pushover
Lillian: its a fine line..because people tend to mistake your control 4 weakness which for some reason gives them a green light to push your buttons. As long as you're comfortable with who you are, people trying to push u to the limit won't make u question your strength or maturity but...rather prove that they have an issue, not you.
DeJonte: a pushover~ is sumone easily defeated...your emotions such as joy, sorrow, fear, love, hate are how YOU feel.. NO ONE can change that!
I thought those were a couple good ways to look at it...there is nothing wrong with being a nice person, being vulnerable (which exudes strength) and not taking everything personal. But when you feel you have had enough, it is up to you to walk away and do it with pride knowing you did everything you could in the situation and you still have your dignity because all a person can do is respect someone for moving away from something that isn't making them happy or could potentially take them out of character.