
Hey Hey Hey!!  Welcome to my world...well not my entire world but I portion of my mental.  Here is where I release old thoughts and ideas out into the universe to make room for the new ones.  Sometimes it will be small thoughts and a lot of other times there will be long winded ones...so pull out your glasses because I can taaalllkkkk, or should I say tyyyypeeee :-))

When I first started this blog it was just a way to force myself to open up and put myself out there a little because I can be very private but I know I have a lot to offer so I thought, why not start with a blog??  I talk about different things I may be dealing with, lessons I've learned or maybe a cool video clip annnd lots of Jay Z!!  Yup I'm Jay's #1 fan!  Back to the topic at hand...I've been trying to go in a different direction with the site for it to be a little more focused towards a specific audience but since I'm a very RANDOM person it's hard to stick to one subject area.  I'll try my best but I'm sure each thought and post that I put up can apply to somebody out in the world.

I've also added a new section entitled 'Cayden's Corner'...that will end up being the coolest section on the blog because my son is the coolest!  But in that section there will be a lot of funny baby moments and good helpful mommy and daddy things!  

So thanks again for stopping by my site and feel free to shoot me an email which is linked under the CONTACT tab.  I love feedback and I'm always inspired by others and I hope to inspire you as well!!

~ BeYOUtiful: being your true self is the best way to show your true beauty....