I want to put a twist on mommyhood! Mommyhood is a ball of fun, changes, growth, headaches from time to time, adventure and a great excuse to be a kid again! Those who know me, know that I'm a big kid at heart and so is Cayden's dad so we are enjoying every moment of being parents. We still make sure that we have "mommy & daddy" time LOL but Cayden is always our #1 priority. We all know there are ups and downs because babies can be very unpredictable BUT the moment they stare at you with love in their eyes and give you their beautiful smile...it makes all the downs go away. We're always thinking of ways to make being a parent less routine like and always find creative ways for Cayden to think outside the box, explore things outside of the norm and just live life without boundaries. Grant it, he's only 2 and a half months right now but children are more aware and alert than we know...so it's never to early!
I look to share our adventures both big and small and hopefully give some fun tips on being a great parent while teaching kids life is about living and inspiring those around us to do what brings them happiness no matter what! I'm def NOOOO expert at being a parent, I'm only going on 3 months in but I can share what works for us and maybe you can share your unique mommy & daddy techniques. I love to learn! So once again Welcome to Cayden's Corner and I look forward to interacting with everyone. This is also not just for parents, those without children are also more than welcomed to give suggestions on activities, tips and educational tools for the kiddies!
November 27, 2013
Just want to post the most adorable pic of my baby! He was at church with his MiMi (my mom)...I'm so
grateful for this guy and how he has forced me to change my view on life, children, happiness, etc. Seeing him happy, makes me happy! No material possession in the world can replace the joy I get from being a mother to Cayden...I feel so blessed everyday and I never take a moment for granted! Which is why I try to teach him to enjoy every moment and experience life and just have fun and find joy in the little things!! Whether it's cooking in the house, reading books (which he loves) going on a trip or just walking around the neighborhood picking up leaves and watching for airplanes. We have to find joy in the small things and make things fun wherever we are. If you can't enjoy the little things trust me the big things won't do it for you either, happiness comes from within and that's one of the main lessons I want to instill is inner peace and gratitude. LOVE YOU CAYDEN XAVIER!!!
Now it's time to start our cooking process for Thanksgiving tomorrow!! I'll try to take some pics but if I do, knowing me, they may not be posted until the New Year lol Stay blessed and be thankful for everything and be sure to tell your family and friends how grateful you are for them being in your lives. Ok, no more mushy stuff lol!
September - November LOL
I've been away and busy these past few months but you knew I would be back with updates!! Cayden has had some good ol' fun these last few months and so have mommy and daddy! We went to California with MiMi to cheer her on during her Half Marathon and she did great! I know I couldn't finish a 13 mile marathon without a loooot of training! Cayden loves planes and he made it into the cockpit and took over the controls! He's also been to the pumpkin patch twice, the PG county fair, the children's museum in LA and he's also been cooking it up in the kitchen! lol

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Roscoe's menu must've tasted like Syrup! |
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Ready for take off...I think lol |
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Making beats on the Beat Machine and the Children's Museum |

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TMZ tour chillen... |

Animal Love!!
My baby loveeeeessss animals! He gets so excited when he can get close to any animal especially our dog Boogy! Just a few pics of my baby and his animals lol I just realized I had no recent pics of him and our dog, mainly videos but I'll try to get one soon. Trying to keep a busy 1 year old still and a puppy....almost impossible!
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Pony ride at the PG Fair |
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Faded after the PG Fair lol |
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Harassing my Grandma's Cat |
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He loves him some Kit Kat! |
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Plotting on the goat at Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch |
More Pumpkin Patch Fun!!
We ventured out to Montpelier Farm for a day of pumpkin picking...and throwing lol This year Cayden had a ball running through the pumpkin patch, getting on the slides, riding the tracker for the hayride and of course throwing pumpkins, even through the sign said not to he did anyway. And as I'm chasing him trying to get him to stop he made a game of it. Luckily we didn't get put out and at the end of the day he had fun! uh ohhhh my videos started uploading!! I'm in business now!

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Blurry pic but we made a Super Grover pumpkin and Cayden designed the small one...I have to get a closeup of the paint lol |
"He in the Kitchen...YAMS ERRYYWHERE"
Who said kids are too young to be in the kitchen...NOT ME!! Having a busy toddler running around, keeping them involved makes them feel apart of the household routines and gives them an introduction to what responsibility is about. Also, he may end up loving to cook and become a Junior Iron Chef! Ok, I'm getting a little ahead of myself but you never know what may stick with them when it becomes apart of their routine. We made us some funfetti cupcakes and Cayden also helped me season up the BBQ chicken as well as put the sauce on it. And my baby likes the taste of seasoned salt smh We are working on him not licking the seasonings! At least he didn't touch or lick the raw chicken :-) Gotta love him!
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Who didn't do this as a kid?!?! |

We didn't take a pic after we put on the icing but we used blue vanilla icing and these cupcakes were HEAVEN!!
August 28, 2013
Cayden was apart of history!! We participated in the 50th Anniversary of the MLK March on Washington and it was such a nice turnout. I'll post more pics on my main page but I just had to share a few of Cayden's solo pics....He had on his GDaddy's glasses on the train ready! Afterwards he was looking like someone's grandfather sitting in his stroller with his leg crossed over his knee and then we stopped at GiGi's (his great Gma) house and Sheline (his cousin) introduced him to the rasperry lemonade tea from Starbucks that he was immediately hooked on. Cayden had a great day and was hi fiving, giving hugs and blowing kisses to everyone out there. One thing for sure, he loves being on the move like me and loves being outside!
August 21, 2013
TOM FORD!!! So I really think my baby is a Jay Z fan and you know I am his #1 fan!! Anytime a song comes on with Jay Z he looks at me and claps lol I had even played a old Jay Z song that does not play on the radio and he still smiled and clapped. Just wanted to share a couple pics of my man partying to Tom Ford yesterday morning in the car. Well I did go to Jay Z's concert when I was 6 months pregnant so I guess it was destined for him to love Jay as much as I do lol!

August 20, 2013
BEEP BEEP MOVE OUT THE WAYY!!! My baby is driving already! This dude is obsessed with car keys, steering wheels, radios and anything else having to do with cars! Not really the miniature toy cars either lol I have to literally be sure Cayden does not hear me pick up my keys or he immediately sticks his hands out and looks around behind my back and anywhere else until he finds them. Every morning he has to hold the keys to walk down the steps and I have to bribe him with grapes to give them back. Every evening he has to get the keys after I unlock the door and he walks around with them for about 15 minutes before he puts them down doing everything with one hand and holding the keys in the other. We let him sit up from when the car is parked and he has a ball! Blowing the horn, turning the radio off, turning the windshield wipers on and off! One time I gave him the keys to see if he would know how to get them in the ignition and low and behold he found the correct key, turned it in his hand side ways so it would go in the ignition correctly and with the most serious look proceeding to put the key in the ingnition. I thought he was about to take me on a date. I have a video, that reminds me I need to learn how to upload videos from my phone on here.
Yesterday we were in BJs and me and my Ma always say we are going to get him the cart with the car on the front but moving so fast we always forget. Well my Ma remembered yesterday and this guy's face was like a kids getting their fave car on their 16th birthday! It was sooo funny to me because he was so serious with his hands on the steering wheel and he would turn the wheel when we turned the cart, looking side to side as if he's watching the traffic. It was just amazing to see how much kids really pay attention and all they can learn from the backseat lol He was even stomping on the floor of the car as if he was pushing the gas and the brakes. Then he was trying to buckle up the other seat belt in the car....I looove seeing Cayden doing new things! i so love being a mom! Thank you God :-)
August 9, 2013
Reina and Cayden had some summertime fun in the sun at my cousin's house in Ft Washington over the weekend! Cayden looooves his big cousin by the way, I'm starting to think he thinks she is his girlfriend. She is the only one he will continuously give kisses to, gives her hugs, follows her, laughs smiles and everything else. Everyone else, he has to think twice lol! except his mommy of course! So this whale almost caused me to have a heart attack! They were having a good time just riding on the whale in the pool, Cayden was clapping, laughing and having a ball. Also, we had just taken his arm floats off because we thought they were done swimming once we had pizza. So while Cayden was attempting to lean to the right to clap I saw (in slow motion) the whale tipping over *panicked* so Reina begins to tip with the whale too and on the floats once it tips you can hardly ever get it to pop back up. So I jumped up and was at the edge of the pool 2 seconds from jumping in yelling GET HIM GET HIMMMM (Kevin Hart hand clap and all)....oh my older cousin was in the pool but I just saw my baby slowing about to go under water!! So they both went under but luckily they were in the shallow end and Reina played lifeguard and held Cayden for dear life where he did not fall out of her hands! She did hit her head on the pool but she was ok and my heart was able to beat again. That was definitely the scariest moment of my summer thus far. One thing I can say is, my baby new to keep his mouth closed! He did not choke or anything and I wasn't afraid of them going under because they do that all the time I was just hoping Reina did not get scared and drop Cayden while under water. But I definitely was one foot in and one foot out ready to safe them both!
Be safe in the pool and always keep life preservers on the little ones...I learned my lesson Friday!
July 30, 2013
June 26, 2013
FIRST HAIRCUT FOR MY MAIN MAN!!!!!!!!!!!! Saturday Daddy decided to get Cayden's haircut and he looks sooooo adorably, kissably handsome! I have not posted in this section in so long, sorry I've been slacking. We also went to Myrtle Beach a couple weeks ago and had a ball! Cayden was amazed at the water, the waves, the sand and everything else the beach has to offer. He was hi fiving everyone at the resort from the pool, to the beach to the restaurant and in the elevators. Cayden is growing up so fast! Now if we can just get him out of the bed that would be lovely! I definitely miss him during the day which is why he sleeps with us at night but him rolling on me and catching feet to the chin at 2 in the morning is not helping me out during my days at work. Soooo it's mission "Get Cayden in His Room" going down...TA NITE...8:30....ON THE DOT!
Enjoy you all's summer and keep the sunblock on the babies and have fun!!!
May 13, 2013
Happy Belated Mother's Day to all the moms out there! I had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend with my friends and family! I'm still paying for it today :-) Mother's are so important in the world they pretty much have the opportunity to shape the future. I had a long convo with my grandma on random topics but we got on topics of how most troubled adults have dealt with a lot of things in their childhood. When the child suffers from issues involving their mom it's hard for them to deal with them as adults, especially men. Men are taught to hide emotions, be tough, not to cry etc. so they rarely speak on things so they carry heavy burdens. Moms, we have definitely been blessed by God to hold our position so we have to be sure that our kids are our #1 priority! They will be older longer than they will be young so why not enjoy their 18 years with them and teach them as much as possible! Not meaning letting them just have fun fun fun and give them whatever they want but they main two things (in my opinion) kids need are attention and to know that you love them and if they have that most of the rough phases will smooth out in the end. Parents feel they have time so they will neglect their kids needs and then try to get time back when they are adults and by that time the damage is already done and no REAL relationship has been formed.
I sure love my silly baby and I'm loving the fact that he is smiling ALOT more in his pictures! I love seeing his personality develop each day :-)
April 29th, 2013
Call my kid skateboard C...or Scooter C! lol My baby is really trying to grow up too fast on me. Every time he is around older kids he thinks he is one of them, it is too funny. We were over my cousin's house this weekend and they convinced me to put him on a scooter which I thought was too advanced for him, he surely proved me wrong. Don't get me wrong I had the death grip over his hands on the handle bars but he did not try to get off, drag his feet, let go or anything and he was just cheesing the whole time. He had me running him up and down the hill for about 20 minutes and after that Mama was tiiired! Of course he had a fit when it was time for him to get off...typical boy. So of course I had to find my baby a scooter of course the 3 wheel one since he is unable to balance himself right now. Target never lets me down! Found one for $29.99!! I'm still debating if I'm going to get it for him but he was having such a good time...we'll see and I'll be sure to post a pic if I decide to buy it for him. We love the outdoors and active play so I'm all for those types of toys. Seems like my baby is going to be an outside kids like I was and mommy and daddy will be right behind him having a blast like the big kids we both are!
.....kick push...kick push....COASSSTT!
April 24, 2013
OOOPPSSSS! We have been slacking on our updates! Mommy has been working and tutoring and running around after the little busy body! Each day is full of surprises and I'm loving every bit of it. We are still practicing on the potty, making more sounds, "baby" words lol, being aware of red and green lights while in the car, running, climbing, riding power wheels and tons more fun!! We are really excited about the spring and summer, already have our beach vacation booked and mommy will definitely be getting her paparazzi on.
Just wanted to check in and say we have not forgotten about you all just got caught up in the adventures of Cayden!
Keep smiling, imagining and being silly!! Life is not as serious as we make it :-)
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Birthday Party at the Playseum! |
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Smiling after some good eats and hanging out with mommy and daddy on U street! |
March 21, 2013
I know I usually post pictures of my prince on this section but I was on the site Addicted 2 Success and I found 20 inspirational picture quotes and this one stood out so much for me! Over the years I have been working on changing my mind frame and thought process and I feel I have changed tremendously but now I want to change my outside world to match my beliefs on the inside. Lately it has been on my about my career and job situation in reference to Cayden. I am definitely not complaining about my job because there are lots of people who don't have jobs and in these times they are hard to come by. But I want to have a career where Cayden can SEE me work. Kids learn by mimicking so I want to do things, even if it's a side job, that he can see me putting in work and into things I LOVE and bring fulfillment. I would love a job where he could come with me from time to time and watch me work. Of course now he is really small so all he would be doing is ripping and running all over the place but y the time he becomes really aware in a few years, I want to be doing something where I can inspire him to live and believe outside of the 9-5 box.
I've realized a lot of the times when I don't succeed in making changes is because I set unrealistic goals. Within the past two weeks I have committed myself to stop spending AS MUCH money on food while at work. Instead of saying I'm not going to spend ANY money at work I said as much and I made a plan to do that. I planned out our meals for the week to be sure I always have leftovers, I prepped some meals the night before so all we have to do is pop things in the oven and of course my boo holds it down when I get tired. I have also began working on my Photoshop skills and I'm reeeeally going to try to take one picture a day and edit it once I'm done this mini course. I've been setting small goals and they are a lot easier to accomplish and these are things I can do daily instead of forecasting for months ahead. When doing that you give yourself that procrastination window of "oh i have two more months i'll do it tomorrow". So I am really going to try hard to continue switching up my actions daily, networking more (going to happy hour with my co workers, which is RARE for me) and just opening myself up to things that I normally don't do. I really have to work hard to SHOW Cayden how to live and do what makes him happy little by little...one day at a time....LITERALLY!
I know I can get lazy but doing a little each day seems to work a lot easier for me :-)
March 12, 2013
PEE PEE IN THE POTTY!!!! We are so excited that my little man has used his pot for the past few days!!!! Cayden turned 13 months on the 6th of this month and he received a potty for his birthday. I figured it's never too early to begin especially since they say boys take a little longer to potty train. I have a picture of my man on the pot but I can't expose him on the internet so I just showed how excited he is! Since i'm not in a rush to potty train him I just sit him on it in the morning while he's drinking his milk and before he takes his bath at night. He isn't really aware what's of what's going on but I'm sure he will begin to soon. His potty sings and has the ability to "flush" and lights up after the flush button is pushed. One thing I can say is we have not had a hard time transitioning him from the paci or bottles so hopefully this potty training business will be just as easy.....nowwww if we could only get him in his crib! It's mainly our fault especially MINES, I miss him during the day and it seems like there isn't a lot of time in the evenings after work so I like for him to sleep in the bed. But we will get him in his room soon and it seems so lonely across the hall :-( I'll get over myself one of these days LOL
February 18, 2013
Day at the Park for me and the Prince!! Ok...so as you all can see I am the biggest adult kids you will ever know. We were off work for President's Day and I knew I wanted to take my guy out to enjoy the day. I called to the baby gym at 9:45 to see if they would be open...they were BUT the 1 year old walk in class started at 10 :-( I was so disappointed because I know Cayden would have loved playing around with the other kids. So I decided to just take it back to good ol' playground fun! We went to Watkins Regional Park which is a park I grew up on as a kid. My baby had such a good time...of course when we first got there he had to observe EVERYTHING around him (he gets that from me lol) then he was sooo intrigued by the older kids. He was watching their every move and would crack up laughing and clap at their flips off the money bars, shaking the moving bridge and just running fast back and forth all over the playground. He climbed up the steps to get on the slide, even turned around and slid backwards on his own lol Then when he had to face front he was kind of reluctant. But he definitely was taking in all the things the bigger kids were doing so by the summer time who knows what our park visit will be like! I looove spending time with my little guy and I always try to keep his play open and creative!
February 15, 2013
Disney on Ice!!!!
February 9, 2013
Ok....so I feel so horrible and feel like a terrible mother! My baby's birthday party was today and I have NO PICTURES on my phone!! I didn't even get to take any pictures the entire day...thank God for my god sister she got a few on my camera but I did not get any! But we had a BALL at the party, which is why I had ZERO time to take pics...half the time I could not find my phone. Overall Cayden did well, knowing how a lot of kids cry and get overwhelmed at their first birthday party lol He had a moment where he didn't want anyone but me or his Dad to pick him up but he got over it once we gave him a piece of chicken..yummy! lol But Cayden had a great time and there were tons of kids along with friends and family members! Thanks to everyone who came out and celebrated Cayden's special day. I love get togethers! I love all my friends and family so much and we always have a great time when we link up! Can't wait for the spring and summer to get here!
February 6, 2013
*screaming at the top of my lungs* HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAYDEN XAVIER!!!!!!
Today is the Prince's FIRST birthday!!!! We were sooo excited...even though we were getting over the vicious stomach virus that had us down for almost 3 days but we bounced back just enough for some CAKE! I feel so blessed that my little guy is celebrating his first birthday and is growing and amazing us each day. A lot of children don't make it to their first birthday's or have endured many obstacles throughout their first year and I am blessed to say Cayden has had an amazing first year! I still remember going in labor beginning during the Superbowl last year and going to the hospital at 5 in the morning the very next day! He was born on his predicted due date at 8lbs 13oz (WHOA!) and 20 1/2 inches long. That was the happiest and scariest day ever! Happy because he was beautiful, healthy and all mines lol...scary because I take being a parent very seriously and I knew from here on out we are responsible for his future! We have to teach him how to be a productive citizen, give him the tools and lessons to be about to make sound decisions when he becomes of age and to keep him safe! Being a parent isn't just about play-dates and cute clothes, definitely one of the perks but there is a lot more to parenting and we still have to teach him, well SHOW him how to be happy and share his happiness with others. So thank you God for you blessing to our family and we promise to make you proud...THANK YOU!!! Can't wait for his party on Saturday!!!!! *two steps* :-)))
January 22, 2013
Mommy and Son date at the Playseum!! This place is the coolest place for kids! There are two locations, one in Bethesda MD and one in the Eastern Market section of DC. We went to the Eastern Market location. I really need to upload videos to show all that Cayden did on our day out. Since he is at his curious stage this was perfect, he could touch everything, climb on whatever he wanted and everything was small so he did not have to struggle to have a good time. I really have to find him a mini grocery cart...that boy loves pushing carts. They had a mini grocery story and he literally ran over to the carts he did not want to put any food in it as long as he could push the cart. The kids there were very friendly and since we went in the early afternoon it was not crowded at all. Which is good for the really small children because we all know older kids are not as aware of the smaller kids when they are excited. Cayden has on his police jacket, cowboy vest and hat, was a farmer for the day on the tractor, he was a receptionist at the vet's office and a firefighter. The little boy in the fire truck was the sweeeetest! He was so excited to see other children, he offered one little girl a cookie and he gave Cayden the biggest hug and he even kissed him on his head after their ride in the fire truck. I love taking Cayden out to places like this so he knows how to apply his play with real life experiences and he has no restrictions. There was also an arts & crafts section where you can paint and do other neat projects. There is also a cupcake decorating area. Since Cayden is in the stage where he wants to eat everything....we skipped the arts and crafts but he did sit and watch a little girl paint her wooden horse. The cost is only $5 and when you pay it is good for the entire day. There are 16 rooms of all different scenarios and it's free play so they can literally go crazy! lol
January 4, 2013
Soooo my man is an official walker!! He has been in the mall with no stroller, we only had to go in one store lol, but he walked the entire time. He took his first steps on Thanksgiving and ever since then he has been on the move! I need to upload my videos so I can show off his skills but until then just take my word for it! Christmas was great! Cayden received lots of nice gifts and our brunch/dinner was a success! Good food, fun and family...that's what the holidays are all about. Now, it's time to plan his birthday party...WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?!?! Hug and kiss your babies as much as possible, they don't stay young for long, i'm seeing that right now. I so love my Cayden Man...watching the clock now counting down the minutes until it's time to go get him! Happy Friday!!
December 4, 2012
SHINY WHITES!!! I have been brushing Cayden's teeth for a little while and especially since he has 3 1/2 teeth in now lol So this morning I decided to let him try it himself since sometimes I feel like I may be brushing too rough. He did not do too bad besides making himself gag and drool all over the place lol Hey, he has to learn somehow. Dental hygiene is very important so I want to get him started on the right track to healthy clean teeth and breathe lol By the way, he's seeming to become more and more of a lefty! Lucky Lefty is my man! I'm left handed and both of my parents as well as a lot of my other relatives. And Happy Bday to the Jigga Mannn!!! I'm an avid Jay fan, in case you didn't already know :-)
November 24, 2012
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!
Try to get out and take the kiddies to some type of light show or Christmas performance, they will really enjoy themselves and if they are older these are the times to create lasting memories! I love outings with my kiddo...I wish we could get paid just to travel, go to events and write about it! Anything is possible! But until then, we'll continue to have fun and share with everyone! By the way, this event was FREE.99!! Just look in the local papers and watch the news for events in your area. ENJOY!
November 22, 2012
I hope everyone's thanksgiving was wonderful! I enjoyed mines with friends and family! Cayden had a great time as well playing with all of his cousins and.....WALKING!!! yes my little turkey took 2-3 steps twice on Thanksgiving and his great grandma (GG) and his grandma (MiMi) both saw him. Both times Los had just left out of the room! He does it when he is focused on something else, he will be walking along the table then just let go and walk off. So I am excited but also scared because now the real fun begins around the house! Always count your blessings, even the small things. I constantly remind myself of this because it's easy to see what we don't have when the best blessings are the smallest things right in front of our eyes!
Two pictures from Thanksgiving! Cayden by himself then one of myself, Cayden and his big cousin Kennedi.
November 6, 2012
HAPPY 9 MONTHS TO MY BABY AND HAPPY ELECTION DAYYY!!! I had to make a note of this very special day! The time has really flown by!! I just remember what i was doing this time last year and it's exciting and scary that time is flying! I was anxious to meet Cayden, preparing for the babyshower, getting nervous about labor and delivery and now I'm thinking about his 1st birthday plans! I am soooo blessed to be a mom and a mom to the most amazing son ever! These last 9 months have been nothing short of amazing and even during my pregnancy everything was all that I imagined :-) I remain so humbled because not everyone is blessed with the opportunity to be a mom and to also share the journey with a partner who is as equally excited and responsible as me. A lot of things aren't as important to me anymore and I try to remind myself everyday that I am truly blessed. I may go get him a little cupcake for his 9 month celebration and the celebration of BARACK OBAMA be re elected for the second term!!!! Claiming it!!! OWW! Today is a good day! Be sure you all get out there and vote! Yours and our kids future depends on it...did my early voting last Sunday so I'm kicking back and eating my popcorn watching the results unfold!
Had to give my prince a cupcake to celebrate!! Not sure if he was feeling it too much but he definitely loved playing in it! LOL!
October 31, 2012
So I am glad to say we survived Hurricane Sandy that did A LOT of damage to the East Coast! I just counted out trick or treating for this year. I am so blessed that we kept power on throughout the entire storm (kudos to PEPCO) and there were no fallen trees or damages in our neighborhood. I can admit I was terrified! The media showed how this storm was compared to Hurricane Irene that came through a few months ago and it was double that size and with Irene we were out of power for about 4 days and there were tons of down trees and debree all over the place! Cayden has been through two hurricanes...wheeew he's a survivor! lol I am praying for the NY, NJ area because they suffered tremendously with blackouts in manhattan, house fires in Queens, 80% of Atlantic City being underwater and not to mention deaths. I just feel so blessed, I usually don't take the news seriously when the call for this type of weather but this time I was really nervous! Also, the fact that both my parents had to work made me even more nervous but their workload was not as much as projected and they were fine and there were no damages to report either. We definitely take lots of things for granted, a lot of people say "Aww Sandy wasn't NOTHING they news hyped it up" but Sandy definitely was SOMETHING but we were just blessed to not have felt her wrath. We pray for God's protection then when he does it we become arrogant...we need to remain humbled and thankful. Ol' Sandy mess around and double back and everyone will be on their knees praying again!
But back to Halloween...my Cayden man is going as [drumroll]...MICKEY MOUSE!!!!!!!!! This is probably the only year I will be able to get away with dressing him up as Mickey Mouse so why not take advantage?!? He is the cutest cuddliest Mickey I've ever seen!! He's going to be so mad at me when he's older but so what!! l

As of this day we have been paci free for a whole week straight!!!!! Yaayyyy ussss! Cayden has been doing great without his pacifiers, I was pissed when someone gave him one in the hospital but luckily he didn't get too hooked on them. He mainly used them to soothe himself to sleep or to calm him during his fussy moments. So one day a accidently left his paci in the car and I thought it was at his babysitter's house so the next day I did not bring the back up one to the babysitter because I thought the main one was at her house. So that evening when I picked Cayden up, I found the paci in the back seat of the car so I asked her how had he been for the past couple days without his paci and she said he was fine!! So from then on we just tried not to give it to him and he has been good! So for over a week he has not had his paci and he has seen them sitting on the table and has not even tried reaching for them. I'm sooo grateful for this milestone, I hear you have to deal with a least 3 days up until a week of crying throughout the night breaking the babies off the rubber crack! LOL! Thank you paci it's been real but we no longer need your services...DEUCES!!!
September 26, 2012
Movin on uuuuup!!! Cayden is now in his big boy car seat!! I think I was more excited than he was! His feet has began to touch the back of the infant carrier and he's been about to bust out the straps for a while. So we upgraded him and he loves it! At first he was staring at me like "heeeyyy so you have been in here with me all the time"...he was just looking around and looking at everything ahead of us. I can't wait for our fun rides, singing, clapping and making funny faces! It's the simple things that bring me joy :-))
September 23, 2012
LET'S GO SKINS!!!! Cayden attended his first Redskin game! Technically his second because I went to a game while I was preggers now he got to see what he was hearing last year. He did soooo good, he clapped, met a few nice women and a couple friends. He loves being out and about, he took a 20 minute nap and was back to the action. Los got tickets from his job so we were in their box and it was really nice! Food, drinks, snacks, great view and great people! We all had a blast! We rode with my Grandma and cousin Reina, my Gma is a die hard Skins fan so she has season tickets. Cayden met one of the Hogettes and took a pic with a couple of the Skins cheerleaders...yes him and Los kicked me to the curb! Below are a few pics and one pic Cayden is feeling the disappointment that the Skins so often hand out....to their fans! The game was good up until the last seconds but we loss :-( Oh...by the way Los is a Cowgirl fan so you know we are always having it out about who Cayden will be a fan of. Maybe he'll pick the Ravens LOL!
September 16, 2012
COWBOY CAYDEN! Cayden had his first ride on a horse! We were celebrating one of my best friend's daughter's birthday party and they had a pony and a horse! Autumn's party was soo much fun! Cayden had his usual serious face and even had the nerve to grab the horse's hair and hold on to the saddle with the other hand. I was really nervous but we had a great time!
September 5, 2012
I think Cayden will be having a bottom tooth soon!! He was a little fussy last night and when I was rubbing his gums with my finger i felt something sharp on his gums! I'm exciting but at the same time praying the egg with his name in the brown paper bag...in the cabinet will do it's job! I'm sure some of my other mother's know what I'm talking about :-))
August 31, 2012
Wheeeeew I have sooo been slacking on my blog!! I've recently made a couple updates to my section now I am giving updates on my Cayden man! Where do I begin?? Well he still has no teeth lol I thought he was teething and his gums have been white for theeee longest time! He will be 7 months on the 6th of September. He is officially a crawler, he stops in between to do an occasional push up or downward dog position with one leg up. Too funny! He is also trying to pull up on EVERYTHING! We've even waken up in the middle of the night and he's been standing up in his pack n play beating on the side of it...GO TO BED!! LOL He's playing really well with all the kids at the babysitter and he's able to get on the floor and move around with them even better. He's loving solid foods, bananas, peaches, strawberries, peas, pears and apples. I tried to blend up some chicken but I think the chicken breast was not a good idea because they don't blend up too well. Maybe I'll try a chicken thigh and just bake then cut in small pieces! I'm so scared to give him chicken bones, normally cooked food etc. I don't want anything to be too salty or him to choke. I have to get over my fears so he can learn to chew so I will try the chicken thigh over the 3 day weekend. Well my family is having a cook out pool party so I'm sure there will be plenty of food to give him there. I hope everyone has been doing well!!
Family Reunion!(7/5-8)
We had a wonderful time at our family reunion!! Not to mention, it was my birthday weekend :-)) So you know we hung out in the A after all the family oriented events lol Anyhoo, this is Cayden's corner so we'll keep the focus on him. Once again, he was wonderfulllll...I thought a big crowd of people would be overwhelming for him but he was HANGING! Every night he went to sleep close to midnight, no fussing or anything. He took cat naps the entire weekend. He had a great time with lots of his big cuzns and he was hanging with them like they were all the same age. The noise wasn't a issue, he was being passed around all weekend and he gave up many laughs and smiles and he had his first overnight stay (in the hotel lol ) with his MiMi and GrandPop! We had our meet & greet, family pic nic, swimming of course, talent show and banquet. Everything was well organized, everyone had a good time, not toooo much drama lol and we got to meet tons of new relatives and reconnect with long lost ones as well....I've included a few pictures for your enjoyment!
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Nyla, Sheri, Jabar, Eshaunti, Indigo, KJ, Syd, Reina, Cayden |
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Lauren, Ken & Kori got in this one |
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The Fam at the banquet |
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Cayden & Aunt Rhonda |
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Cayden at Picnic |
Cayden's First Flight #babyjetsetter
Cayden took his first plane ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were all soooo excited! We went to Atlanta for our family reunion and it was also my birthday weekend! He did so good! I was nervous because i know how i give people the side eye with babies on a flight thinking "lord please let this baby not yell and scream the whole flight" LOL Cayden played around for a while, bounced up and down, talked in his language, ate and slept for only 25 minutes. It was so funny because when the lights went off for take off it was like he knew it was time to be quiet. here are a couple pictures from our airplane and airport experience. He knew something was going on different because when we arrived at the ATL airport he was wide awake wayyy pass his bedtime LOL!
Boogy stayed with my Grandma and got spoiled rotten, I need to call and see if she still misses him LOL
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Before Take Off!!! |
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On The way to Gma's House... |
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On the Train in ATL to get luggage :-) |
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Headed Home.... |
I so look forward to the holidays because that's more time I get to spend with my family! But this holiday Cayden had his first tumble off the bed, he is moving so fast! Thank God it was not a bad fall, i was in the shower and Cayden looked as though he was about to take a nap. Then before i know it he popped his head up but it was no problem because i had the door and shower curtain open. He has started rolling back and forth lately but never more than one roll in the same direction. As i turned around for 2 seconds and looked back Cayden rolled 3 times really fast towards the end of the bed (thank God we have a really low bed) and I LEAPED out the shower, water everywhere lol His lounge chair was leaning up against the bed which broke the fall and he rolled into the chair and as soon as he tipped to the side hitting the floor i swooped him up! I felt HORRIBLE! My prince cried for about 5 seconds out of shock but then he began licking the water off my shoulder LOL! That little guy is such a trooper, he doesn't cry when he gets shots at the DRs, he rarely cries period. Let's keep praying he stays a wonderful baby! We keep our home full of fun, laughter and love so it is being expressed through our amazing little one.
Cayden had his 4th of July gear and we went over my girlfriend Lauren's house for a dip in the pool with the other kiddies. He loves the water, as you all see he swims a lot! We then went to a family cookout and had a great time then Cayden was sleep around his normal bedtime, worn out!
Father's Day Weekend!
We had a wonderful Father's Day weekend! Saturday me, my Boo thang, Cayden and a few of our Friends took a trip to the National Zoo! We had so much fun seeing all the animals and Cayden stayed up the entire time. He loves being outside and around people. Since he has his waving thing down packed (a very slow wave lol) He would wave at the animals and at people we would pass by. Then we went to Friday's downtown, after all that walking we were all starving! Sunday, my boo had to work so Cayden and I went to church with my parents...and we got my Dad to go and he was looking SHARP! Then Sunday we put together a surprise cookout for Los (my boo thang lol) We had about 30 people at our house and it was originally supposed to be something small with a few of his friends and our family. He had a ball, he couldn't stop thanking me and I was showered with kisses and hugs. Not that I don't get them all the time but he was very excited and he's usually a laid back kind of guy so I was so happy! We had crabs and the normal cookout food plus cakes and cupcakes! I feel so tacky because i took only ONE picture the entire time. It it hard playing hostess and photographer. He said that was the best FIRST Father's Day a man could ask for...I don't know how I will top that but I'm pretty creative so I'm full of surprises. And he loved his gift of a couples cooking class we will be taking together in July :-))
* I will be posting a few pictures this afternoon...
May 26, 2012...Memorial Day Splash Park Fun!
As you can see we love swimming! We took a short trip down to Chesapeake Beach's Splash Park and us a good ol' time! Cayden loved the water of course BUT when he got splashed in the face a little in the lazy river he was pissed! lol He was in his mini inner tube and was fine but we had to hold him after he got splashed. He calmed down after we wiped his face but we took him to the regular pool because the kids in the lazy river were doing a little too much. It was HOTT that weekend so we made sure he had on his muscle swim shirt and hat to prevent too much sun exposure and kept him covered in a towel when we got out for our breaks. Here are a couple pics....
May 20, 2012...Cayden's First Boat Ride!
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Cayden trying to hold our ticket for the ferry |
It's the small things in life that matter so take some time out and plan a small outing with the kiddies! If they are older, ask them what they would like to do and even if it doesn't interest you just do it for them. Trust, they will remember! I can't wait for our next adventure...
I hate that his mouth is covered in both pics! :-(( He was so busy trying to suck on his carrier and bib...kids gotta love them!
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Us enjoying the quartet and frozen yogurt! |
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We on a BOAT! lol Check Cayden trying to post his hand up like mines :-)) |
May 12, 2012...March of Dimes
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Cayden After the March of Dimes Walk! |
I want Cayden to learn to support some type of cause and get into philanthropic endeavors early on. Even though he had no clue what was going on, it's never too early to start getting him around those types of positive energies and events. He actually stayed up for the majority of the walk. I just encourage everyone to think about a cause they feel strongly about and try to participate in some way. Donations are good but taking action is better. Even if you just start out with doing the yearly walks, then maybe volunteering and who knows what may happen after that. When we are blessed we are expected to bless others, everything isn't about money...TIME is the most important gift you can give someone in need.
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Me, Christa & Cayden coming up on the finish line... |
So we took Cayden swimming last week and he loved the water! Well loved it as much as a baby could express...we love swimming so we want him to get used to the water as soon as possible. He enjoys his baths so we figured the swimming pool wouldn't hurt anything. When Cayden first got in the water he was looking around as to say..."my tub has really gotten a lot bigger" 0_o We slowly walked him into the water so he could get used to the different temperature of the water. Then we dripped a little water on his chest and before you know it we were dipping the back of his head in to the water, his whole body was in the water up to his neck and he was looking like he had been going to the pool for years! We had a good little time! I was doing a few laps because mama has to tighten up her stomach just a tad more for the summertime...I know all the other mothers can relate. We stayed in for about 45 minutes before his little lip got to shaking from being chilly. After we got home fed him and bathed him...he was OUT for the rest of the night! He slept 9 hours!! WOOHOOOO!
Here's a pic of my little swimmer LOL
4/30/12....First day away from my Baby *tears* (lots of them)
I hope everyone's morning is starting of better than mines did. I had to drop my baby off so I could come back to the wonderfulllll job ;-/ I didn't know it would be this hard! I was trying to come up with a million and one excuses why I needed to stay home. My mom and I ride the train together so I picked her up first, thank God she was there for moral support or I'm sure we would've rode right by the babysitters house and headed back home. I cried the ENTIRE ride to my parent's house, like boo hoo crying! Thank God I don't wear make up or it definitely would've been runny all over. Then when my Ma gets in the car I bust out crying again. So we sat in front of the house for about 5 min so I could get myself together, while all this is going on my fat man is knocked out sleep. I'm so glad he wasn't fussy or I'm sure I would not have left him. When we got there we took him out the car seat and he woke up so pleasant and was just looking around. Then he laid his head on the lady's shoulder and looked at me and started smiling so hard and laughing. That made me feel a lot better, babies have a good sense of people's inner beings so hopefully that was Cayden's way of saying "mommy I'll be fine"...
Of course I called not even an hour later and I didn't hear him crying in the background and she said he had just ate and was laying down moving around and she also said he smiles a lot! Cayden is a very happy baby and I'm so blessed for that and I just don't want anything experiences to change the happy, calm and loving baby that he is. I'm really throwing on my thinking cap for ways I can work from home or have a business because I don't want to miss out on all his milestone moments but I understand I have to do what I have to do...for now.
Yesterday me and my Papi Chulo had a date night and we went to see Joel at the Nationals stadium for the Night of Hope then to my favorite restaurant...VAPIANOS! Joel's message was amazing! I'm going to keep in mind one point he focused on which is, focus on happiness and what you do have not what you don't have. If we focus on the TODAY and let God take care of our future things will become better than we can imagine. I'm definitely going to need God's strength to get me through this first week but I have faith that everything will be fine. I really enjoyed my 3 months with Cayden, we had a ball!! Some people say they got bored and couldn't wait to get back to work...NOT ME AT ALL!!! I didn't miss one bit of work..nothing! But I'll do what Joel said...be thankful that I HAVE a job which allows me to do those fun things with Cayden and live a nice life. I'm going to be trying vedddy vedddy hard not to call every 30 minutes but I'm going to need lots and lots of prayer!
*calls Dad to ask him to stop by on his lunch break* :-)) I'm a work in progress!
AWWW I Love it1!!
ReplyDeleteTOO CUTE! Who knew you were a cry baby. Lol! I didnt even cry. Hmmm! lol