Thursday, February 25, 2010
More than a "RAPPER".....
You knew it was coming.....

Yes, Yes, Yes....anyone who knows me knew it would be coming soon, JAY Z!!! My best friend and I have to be some the most avid Jigga fans out here...we make it a point to be at ALL concerts and sometimes out of town if we have to lol But this is definitely no groupie love, him and Bey are the hottest couple out there hands down! He is just the greatest rapper out and he continuously makes hit after hit and puts on great shows. I also respect his business mindset which is where he incurs most of his duckets. So for everyone who talks bad about Mr. Hovito for not "relating" to all black a book! He has always rapped about what's current and at the age of 41 I would hope he isn't still rapping about chilling in Marcy, robbing and dealing. He is now a business man so that's his main focus and he can't "offend his political connects" but so much. In my opinion Jay just keeps putting out records to keep the bar high so all these "Wacka Flacka Flames" don't take over....don't get me wrong, I love me some "ohh let dooo itttt" but when I want to hear something with some substance or to get me thinking I can put my ipod on shuffle with all Jay's 11 #1 albums. I also love his interviews with BBC....his interviewing style is hilarious! People always try to dig into him and Bey's B.I. but he always has comeback lines without giving up any info. By the way, he claims he made up the "Single Ladies" dance...Hmmmm
I'm warning my readers now....there will be plenty more Jigga interviews, video, ect to come so please don't be alarmed. Can't wait to see him on Wednesday....yup, I broke down and decided to go at the last minute! I promised myself this would be my last concert....the jury's still out on that one #dontjudgeme
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's Day.....
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Day After Tomorrow....
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Phoenix Band....

Ever since I heard their song 1901 on the 2010 Cadillac SRX commercial I have been on this band hard!! It took me forever to find out the name of the song but when I did I immediately added it to my iTunes library. Then I listened to a lot of songs on their most recent album Wolfgang Amadeus, which is titled after the influential composer of the classical era Mozart. I can't wait to see this band live, I hear the shows are the best! Check out the interview with the guitarist Christian Mazzalai that I found on
Monday, February 1, 2010
Breaking Habits...
Letting Go...
*WARNING* This is pretty lengthy...had to get some things out last week, ENJOY!
“Letting go” is the most important thing that will determine whether you progress or remain stagnant. “Letting go” can be moving on from old thoughts, people and/or habits. The most important thing to let go of first are old thoughts, the mind must be renewed first before any real change can take place. ALL negative thoughts need to be replaced with new positive ones…that goes for negative thoughts and feelings towards others. When negativity is held inside towards others it also affects us as individuals.
Then sometimes it is necessary to “let go” of people who aren’t helping with the advancement of you. A lot of times we try to drag people along with us who aren’t meant to be there which then holds us back more than we know. We don’t realize how heavy the weight is until it is dropped. As humans we always want to help and that is what we should do but when we are putting in more to an individual who isn’t putting in to themselves then that’s when it may be time to “let go”. In the long run we may have helped the individual even more because some people have to lose something important to them in order to get things right. We become comfort zones for others and when that comfort zone is removed they too are forced to move as well.
Habits…wheeewww! The saying is indeed true, it’s better not to start a bad habit then to try and break one. There are so many habits we do unconsciously that we don’t realize are hurting us. Breaking bad habits takes a conscious effort in order to be successful. When negative thoughts begin to sneak up, immediately replace them with positives….when you feel yourself about to gossip or speak negativity try your hardest to refrain or think of a positive aspect of the person or situation. What’s on the inside of us comes out of our mouths so that is the best way to evaluate ones inner being….something to think about!
Last but definitely not least….”Let Go” of all YOUR control and “Let God” lead and guide you. He will whisper to you but it’s up to you to listen and make the necessary steps. Not being in control can be a scary feeling but His way is the best way. Now if I myself, could put this knowledge to use….lol I can do it with His strength, I know I can 8-)