So yesterday I did a mini photo shoot with Sydney who is the 6yr old niece of my partner Ebony...this was another assignment for my photography class. The assignment was to take photos of things that bring us happiness. So my initial idea was to get a child, wearing adult clothes, with shopping bags. I love children, shopping and dressing up in clothes and accessories. But Miss Sydney turned that little assignment into a full fledged photo shoot! She took direction so well and was serious while having fun! She knew how to continuously pose while the camera while just snapping away. Kids are so innocent and always (I'm sure the parents out there will beg to differ lol) bring happiness and just love to have fun!
As all my friends know I'm always being shy and nervous about just about everything! So Sydney says to me "I'm NEVER shy...NEVER and if I do get nervous I know people are going to say GO SYD GOOO" yup, a 6 yr old "checked me boo" lol But she was right, as long as you listen to the positive people in your corner you can do anything. We all mess up but that's what makes the journeys and lessons worth while :-)
I ended up with 188 photos!!! So trying to find my favorites to post was almost impossible! This little girl has so much personality and spunk it's insane and I also got in a picture of her little brother who was saying "CHEESE CHEESE" throughout the whole night lol After we were all done at 10 pm, Syd says "so are ya'll ready for the fashion show now"??? As all the adults looked at each other half sleep. So keep your eyes open for her...she's ready! Go Syd Gooo!!