- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Window Shopping...
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Since I began blogging I've been trying to expand my vocabulary so it will give me more leverage in getting my point across on posts. The dictionary/thesaurus app on my phone is my best friend! When you have an expansive vocab, it eliminates a lot of "like" "umm" "that thing" "you know what I'm saying" out of everyday conversation.
As I'm reading Decoded, I'm on the section "Politics As Usual"...Jay spoke on the fact that between 1989 and 1994 more black men were murdered on the streets of America than died in the entire Vietnam War. That was craaaazy to me and we all know there were a lot of killings during the big cocaine and police brutality era but using that analogy shows just how bad things were. I question if things are still the same if not worse OR has the gov't just found a better method at hiding these statistics and "cold cases". "America did not want to talk about the human damage, or deeper causes of the carnage". Which is when censorship of rap music came into place...a lot of topics expressed in rap were MOST of the times real situations taking place in black communities all over.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Kanye & Our Fears reflected thru Judgements of Others...
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I Love to Read...
I finally received my Decoded book! Flipping thru the book there are tons of amazing pics as well as lots and lots to read. I initially assumed the book would solely be filled with images but i was mistaken, ill be reading for a while. I included a few pages from the book...Jay has done it again :-)
One of the greatest...Notorious B.I.G
All Black Everything...this movement was inspired by his love for the Black Panther Party
We all know Politics can be a bitch!
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Kid Cudi....
I've been listening to Kid Cudi's new album "Man On The Moon II" and it is DOPE! I listened to a couple tracks on his last album "Man On The Moon" but not the entire album but I took a interest in Cudi when I saw a video of him inebriated in the streets of LA (I think). Then he was on 106 & Park acting very outlandish, he has admitted to using coke in the past...I'm thinking he may still be enjoying those highs 0_o
Listening to his album...it seems as if he's crying out for help. I understand him a lot more and I'm sure plenty of people can relate to his life and the cause of his actions. One of my favorite songs, other than Ashin' Kusher (banger!), is 'Trapped In My Mind' I've included the song below...I feel everyone can relate in some way to this song....
"Trapped In My Mind" - Kid Cudi by dustinnguyen
A verse that stuck out to me as far as myself is "I'm stuck in rewind though I'm looking forward man I wish I knew what went wrong"....I deal with this all the time! Trying to move forward and become better but my mind won't allow me to. But I have to take control of my thoughts and mind, like I've said before the mind is a very powerful thing! I'm always thinking "what if I would have..." thinking about things I could've done differently or not done at all where would I be. But I can't continue focusing on that because what has happened is over and done with and it's a reason or a lesson behind it all. Jay Z (oops I mentioned him again) said it best "in order to survive you gotta learn to live with regrets".
We all have reasons behind every negative choice we've made, words we say but once it's done it's done. I'm ok when I'm having my good days and I'm on Cloud 9 but on those low days that's when I rewind thoughts and get down on myself. I have to start using my low days as times to strengthen my mind and thoughts. Constantly and Consciously replacing negative thoughts with positive ones....
Lengthy post...I know! By the way the picture above is a pic I took for my photography class, it goes perfect with the "Man On The MOON II" album title #random
Last Hovi Post...Promise
I tried to walk alone never knowing where I was going
I went from wanting to be a pediatrician to a computer tech
From a photographer to model then settling for baby mama; only for security, ohh how silly of me
I loved to get high, not on Mary anymore, but from my plans that went right out the door
I never achieved because I really didn’t believe
I didn’t believe because I knew none of it was really for me, got tired of going around in circles
Still living life with no purpose...Going no where fast still finishing last
I always wanted more for myself but I had to learn first to get over myself
Truly making God my focus, life stop feeling so hopeless
Wiping my hands of all my future plans, all past memories blown away like sand
Still a work in progress but determined not to regress
Surrendering was the best choice yet, armoring myself against all threat
No more morbid convos that stirs up trouble as fast as the time goes
They say what’s in you will pour out....so so true without a doubt
I am so blessed, how dare I put God through all this stress??
I’ve apologized for all my mess now I’m letting HIM take care of the rest!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Decoded SOLD OUT Nationwide!
Jay Z's interviewing style is so funny to me...very witty!
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Please provide feedback...if u agree or disagree! If you have experienced this, how did it affect you and what did you do to please yourself or those involved.
"Most young Kings (Queens lol) get their heads cut off"....Jay describes how the people close to you feel as if you have changed when you reach a certain level of success or in your journey to success. Why stay the same if you are trying to become better?? How can you reach your full potential hanging around people who aren't going in the same direction? Is changing wrong?? My opinion is no, as long as it's for the better and you are being true to yourself. People will have something to say whether you are doing good or bad so why not do YOU...their going to talk anyways. We need to get out of the mindset of wanting to be liked and accepted so much that we will be unhappy on the inside as long as it looks good on the outside. Society has popularized "image" so much that we will do anything to make something look good no matter how faux we really are. People always talk about "keep it real" but the question is who are we keeping it real with? Definitely not ourselves....
Maybe we as individuals need to DECODE ourselves and we can see who we really are and what we believe in then it will be easier to move on and feel good about the CHANGES we make because it's all done in the pursuit of pure happiness. And only those who genuinely care for us will understand.
Take a look at the video and tell me what you think! ENJOY!
(for the ppl who r looking for the video, when you click on the word SUCCESS that is underlined it will direct you to the video)
Always try to start the day out with positive readings or music...it definitely makes a difference. Now I'm getting back to work...
Spread love...give out what you are seeking to find! "Pay it forward"
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Spending Time w/ ME...

Dad knows Best...
No matter how hard people try to hold things in it rarely happens. Some people just can't keep secrets for various reasons...they just frankly can't hold water, others just talk so much they don't think about what they are saying and some just like to feel important as if they have the latest juicy gossip. But whatever the reasoning are, if there is something you don't want to get out keep it to YOURSELF, write it down, tell GOD and if it makes you feel better tell him "pssst don't tell this to nooobody" but the minute you repeat it to someone else expect it to come out sooner or later. Or of course, you could kill them after you tell it then surely it will not to get beyond the two of you LOL!
Just one of my random posts, the older I get all of my Dad's words, sayings and teachings become even more valuable. #DADSROCK!