Friday, December 31, 2010
Chase Your/Our Dreams...
Stay tuned for this documentary in 2011! Dream big, chase those dreams and never give up! #selftalk
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I thought I'd share everything that came to mind when I thought of the word love...these are not only for spousal relationships but also relationships with friends and family. We all need to get and give love, it really does conquer all....
perfectly imperfect
blind to flaws but aware they are what makes us all special
laughter balanced with some tears of sadness
not a thing but a feeling
telling all secrets in confidence of not being judged
risk taking
giving with no expectations of a return
a push to be the best YOU
forgiveness...over and over and over (u get it...)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Random...Gwen Stefani
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry CHRISTmas Eve!!

Wishing everyone a very Merry CHRISTmas Eve! All the stores are beginning to close and the wrapping rush begins :-))) Surprisingly I did my shopping early this year and I had my gifts wrapped and under the tree last night. I even went out today because it felt so weird not having to shop the days before Christmas. The grocery store was a parking lot, between Christmas dinners and the forecast for snow was a recipe for disaster. Target was even worse!!
I'm excited about our dinner we are having tomorrow so the food is already prepped and I will be banging those pans in the morning! Breakfast will be at my Gma's house then it will be my turn to throw on the apron...
Tonight I'll be in the house with the fam and I'm also working on one of my goals for the new year....I want it to be perfect! With all that being said be sure to be thankful for everything and pray for those who are less fortunate. If possible, give to them as well...every little bit helps!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Happiness...I need FEEDBACK!
I'm trying to put something together so can I please get your feedback???!
What is your definition of happiness?? Do you think happiness is a destination or a continuous journey? Do people allow others (media, friends, family ect.) views of happiness define what they feel it really is?
Honest opinions...THX!! Feel free to go into detail, I love to listen :-))
What is your definition of happiness?? Do you think happiness is a destination or a continuous journey? Do people allow others (media, friends, family ect.) views of happiness define what they feel it really is?
Honest opinions...THX!! Feel free to go into detail, I love to listen :-))
Monday, December 20, 2010
Vision Board...
Here it is!!! My vision board...I've finally made one :-))) I've been trying to put one together for the longest and I have a lot of things that WILL COME TO PASS in my life.

In the past, a lot of things I have dreamed about or wanted to gain I didn't really believe I could gain but I believe in myself with the help of God that all the things I want I will have. 2010 my focus was on changing my thinking and building character now 2011 is about taking action. I even got Morgan to make a board! It's never too early to start setting goals. I wish I would've started thinking and believing way back then. It made me feel good when she told me she has it hanging above her bed and is going to try hard to stay focused....
DeSean Jackson does it again...GIANTS
My Skins disappointed me again but they put up a good fight...cowboys still suck! But I had to put up a video of my boy DeSean Jackson burning the entire Giants defense. I love how he plays cat and mouse around the end zone LOL!
Dodge was nervous before he punted the ball and DeSean Jackson already knew what he was about to do. As he taunted him waving as to say "c'mon kick it right to me" LOL! That block around the 45 yd line helped him to take it all the way in!
Since my Skins will not be in the playoffs I have to ride with the Eagles to support my man Vick and my new comedian on the field...DeSean Jackson!!
Dodge was nervous before he punted the ball and DeSean Jackson already knew what he was about to do. As he taunted him waving as to say "c'mon kick it right to me" LOL! That block around the 45 yd line helped him to take it all the way in!
Since my Skins will not be in the playoffs I have to ride with the Eagles to support my man Vick and my new comedian on the field...DeSean Jackson!!
Please send emails, letters ect to all television networks for CITY OF INK's show!! This will give some shine to a black tattoo shop full of inspirational artists in the tattoo world as well as music, fashion and charity work. With all this garbage on tv this will be a great inspirational but funny show to be aired....
I hope you ENJOY!
I hope you ENJOY!
Happy Monday!
Just wishing everyone a happy Monday and enjoyable week! Be sure to be a blessing to someone this holiday week and weekend. Don't stress too much over Christmas gifts, remember the reason for the season and give thanks for what we do have :-)))
I'll be putting up a pic and blog about my vision board! So glad I participated...I was so into it and my vision board has so many different things on it so I have a lot to focus on now.
4 1/2 DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS!!! I wonder if we will have a white one this year....
I'll be putting up a pic and blog about my vision board! So glad I participated...I was so into it and my vision board has so many different things on it so I have a lot to focus on now.
4 1/2 DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS!!! I wonder if we will have a white one this year....
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The "Secret" & Oprah...

Oprah is another amazing individual that I study and she also speaks on how she uses the Law of Attraction in her life. We all know how successful Oprah is so I'll definitely take her word for it. A lot of us look at her and say well she has this and that, she know this and that person but she did not START out with all those things and connections. If you have the drive anything can be accomplished and a vision board is a good way to start because he makes you sit down and really think about what it is you would like accomplish, the type of lifestyle you want to live and begins your planning stage as far as what ways you will begin getting there. Once you have those visualizations, it's easier to keep your mind focused. I'll probably start off with a short term vision board so I don't become overwhelmed then gradually add to it as the short term goals become reality.
For 2010 I tried to focus on changing my mind and thinking and for 2011 and I trying to focus on actually taking action....keep praying for me! Things have already began looking good for me :-)))
Monday, December 13, 2010
Miya Bailey Q&A: Part 3....
More from Miya Bailey...don't forget to check out for dope art and tattoos!
How many of us had a dream as a child that we have not pursued?? I know I have...some things seem as if they are untouchable or unattainable but as I get older I see that it really is, we just have to have discipline and will power. Easier said then done but the good part is we know it can be done.
I hope you enjoyed....
QnA with Miya Bailey pt 3 from artemus jenkins on Vimeo.
How many of us had a dream as a child that we have not pursued?? I know I have...some things seem as if they are untouchable or unattainable but as I get older I see that it really is, we just have to have discipline and will power. Easier said then done but the good part is we know it can be done.
I hope you enjoyed....
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Cooking Mama....
One of my new things for 2011...I want to start experimenting with new dishes like they did in the movie Julie & Julia! Hopefully Santa will bring me that cook book I asked for and I can crossover to the other side and become a real "SHEF" hence my last name. I can whip up some dishes now but I'm ready to learn something different.
I'll be sure to make updates of all my new creations. Below is experiment 1: Chicken came out deeeeelicious considering it was my first time fixing this dish.

- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
I'll be sure to make updates of all my new creations. Below is experiment 1: Chicken came out deeeeelicious considering it was my first time fixing this dish.
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
"THIS IS MY YEAR" LOL...I'm sure we will be hearing that a lot for the next 23 days! Every year is my long as I'm moving forward, whether small or big steps, I've achieved my goal.
As the new year is quickly approaching I've been thinking of some new things for the blog!! Definitely don't want to stay stagnant, doing the same things...2010 was more about digging deep within myself and looking at situations and learning to look for a lesson in even the smallest scenarios. I feel I'm at a new phase and I'm sure everyone will love it!! If not, I do so that's what matters most :-)))
Keep checking back and feel free to comment and leave suggestions! I'll still be posting things before 2011 but I just thought I'd blog and let people know what's on my mind right now.
As the new year is quickly approaching I've been thinking of some new things for the blog!! Definitely don't want to stay stagnant, doing the same things...2010 was more about digging deep within myself and looking at situations and learning to look for a lesson in even the smallest scenarios. I feel I'm at a new phase and I'm sure everyone will love it!! If not, I do so that's what matters most :-)))
Keep checking back and feel free to comment and leave suggestions! I'll still be posting things before 2011 but I just thought I'd blog and let people know what's on my mind right now.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
*singing* Just one of them dayssssss...
I have no clue what is going on right now but I just feel sooooo frustrated! Nothing in particular has taken place but I'm just having one of those days. I'm trying to keep my cool at work but it seems as if everything is just irritating the FOCK out of me. Woooossaaahhhh...I had a few things on my mind so I'm sure that has a little to do with it. I have been working on giving control to God and stop trying to figure everything out and make moves on my own. I prayed for patience and He's surely testing and strengthening it.
just had to vent...thanks for listening *blows bangs*
1...2....3...Breathe eazzyyyyyy
I have no clue what is going on right now but I just feel sooooo frustrated! Nothing in particular has taken place but I'm just having one of those days. I'm trying to keep my cool at work but it seems as if everything is just irritating the FOCK out of me. Woooossaaahhhh...I had a few things on my mind so I'm sure that has a little to do with it. I have been working on giving control to God and stop trying to figure everything out and make moves on my own. I prayed for patience and He's surely testing and strengthening it.
just had to vent...thanks for listening *blows bangs*
1...2....3...Breathe eazzyyyyyy
Q&As w/ Miya Bailey...
Below are vids of my big homie Miya Bailey's Q&A Parts 1& 2...He's a fantastic artist, I wrote up a story on him earlier this year. If you ever want a official tattoo he is your guy! He is such an inspiration to me on so many different levels, from his blog ( I was inspired to start my own. Best decision yet! Miya is a very transparent individual, straightforward and loves to let people inside and see what his world is all about. So these series of vids are answers to a collection of questions that people have asked him over a period of time that takes you a little deeper into his mind as an artist as well as a human being.
Artist are meant to inspire, influence as well as help you to tap into that touch of creativeness that I feel we all possess...thank u!
QnA with Miya Bailey from artemus jenkins on Vimeo.
Q&A With Miya Bailey Pt. 2 from artemus jenkins on Vimeo.
Artist are meant to inspire, influence as well as help you to tap into that touch of creativeness that I feel we all possess...thank u!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Mike Vick Project....
Just finished reading the cover story of the new Sports Illustrated titled 'Is it O.K. To Cheer' featuring Mike Vick...

This was a perfect title for this type of story an instance that takes place all the time. People making mistakes and trying to make changes but still fighting to win the approval of others and make them believers. I was always a Vick fan and felt the punishement he received was overdone. There are tons of players in the NFL (as well as other professional athletes, politicians, ect.) that have committed worse crimes than dog fighting but have somehow seem to be swept under the rug everytime.
My opinion still stands that race played a key part in the harsh punishment that was received. I do agree he should have owned up and dealt with consequences for his actions but the degree of punishment and publicity is what pissed me off. Everyone has that time in their life or incident that forces them to change, alot of people sucumb to the pressure of their trials. Vick showed us how strong and determined he was/is and proving to everyone who wants to brand him with this label as a cruel "dog killer". He's proving he is more than that and has a lot to offer and can also serve as a role model for kids as well as adults who feel its the end of the world when big mistakes are made. We can overcome ANY obstacle, we have to be the ones to make that decision to change and have faith in God.
No matter how much good Vick has done, no matter how many touchdown passes he throws the media is going to continuously be sure he doesnt forget his mistakes. During a timeout of the "carnage" lol of the Redskins they showed clips of him in court, getting locked up and pleading his case in reference to the dog fighting. My question is, was that the only footage they could find after he has served time, completed community service, became a better family man and the list goes on?? The lesson i got from it was our mistakes will always follow us but they dont have to consume or define us. We can choose to remember the mistake or the lessons learned from them. Vick is showing how to do the latter.
So to answer the question to the title....YES it is OK to cheer!! People should have been cheering when he was at his lowest point, thats when he needed it the most. Its easy to support the good but its more valuable when you support the progress from negative to positive....
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
My opinion still stands that race played a key part in the harsh punishment that was received. I do agree he should have owned up and dealt with consequences for his actions but the degree of punishment and publicity is what pissed me off. Everyone has that time in their life or incident that forces them to change, alot of people sucumb to the pressure of their trials. Vick showed us how strong and determined he was/is and proving to everyone who wants to brand him with this label as a cruel "dog killer". He's proving he is more than that and has a lot to offer and can also serve as a role model for kids as well as adults who feel its the end of the world when big mistakes are made. We can overcome ANY obstacle, we have to be the ones to make that decision to change and have faith in God.
No matter how much good Vick has done, no matter how many touchdown passes he throws the media is going to continuously be sure he doesnt forget his mistakes. During a timeout of the "carnage" lol of the Redskins they showed clips of him in court, getting locked up and pleading his case in reference to the dog fighting. My question is, was that the only footage they could find after he has served time, completed community service, became a better family man and the list goes on?? The lesson i got from it was our mistakes will always follow us but they dont have to consume or define us. We can choose to remember the mistake or the lessons learned from them. Vick is showing how to do the latter.
So to answer the question to the title....YES it is OK to cheer!! People should have been cheering when he was at his lowest point, thats when he needed it the most. Its easy to support the good but its more valuable when you support the progress from negative to positive....
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Happy Birthday Mr. Carter!!!
Just wanna say Happy Bday to my main man, future business partner (wishful thinking) Mr. Sean Carter! I know I'm borderline obsessed with him but he is the epitome of success on all levels, way more than just rap. When you want to become more you have to study people who have more and the success you desire. He's definitely one of the main individuals I pay close attention too....
I know Bey will continue to "cater to you" :-))
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
I know Bey will continue to "cater to you" :-))
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Friday, December 3, 2010
I am a lover of art! I finished up my photography class last night with a wrapping up party. We all enlarged two of our fave photos to present during the get-together. It was a lot of fun to see the photos everyone chose and how different an enlargement can make in the details and overall quality of the picture. I have included my favorite below....
Colors and abstract are my favorite! When this was enlarged into an 8x10 it took this basic window treatment in Anthropologie (clothing store) to a whole different level. It's like the sun is fighting it's way through the structure and the patterns on the wall can serve as faux sun rays. The interpretation is left to the eye of each individual but I love the energy the most that comes from the art itself....
Colors and abstract are my favorite! When this was enlarged into an 8x10 it took this basic window treatment in Anthropologie (clothing store) to a whole different level. It's like the sun is fighting it's way through the structure and the patterns on the wall can serve as faux sun rays. The interpretation is left to the eye of each individual but I love the energy the most that comes from the art itself....
Lights Out....
Thursday, December 2, 2010
HEARTLESS: The Fray....
I'm a big fan of the group 'The Fray'...they did a cool remake of Kanye's Heartless. This is a interesting video as well!
The FRAY - Heartless from IE HAGY on Vimeo.
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