Tuesday, December 27, 2011
I'll stop there.
Have a great one!
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Thursday, December 15, 2011

You never realize the luxuries you have until they are gone! Everything has to be measured out, to almost nothing but you get more meals a day. And I have to test my blood after breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as when I first wake up. I did great on the morning tests buuuuut after lunch WOWZERS! I'm sure that came from the chocolate and almond granola bars I picked up. I don't even eat granola bars but I had to find ANYthing to snack on. Hell, they are high in fiber which is good but I don't think I'll be able to continue eating them. As I type, my stomach is eating through my back right now and I have a terrible headache and I just ate my afternoon "snack" grapes, milk and 5 pretzels! yes, 17 grapes, 5 pretzels and 1 cup of milk!
I'm going to try my hardest to do better, I didn't do terrible but I can do better especially since I have to write down all my numbers as well as what I eat all day for each meal. I would hate for Jenny (counselor) to make the diet even more strict. COME ON FEBRUARY!! Now I have more sympathy for those who have diabetes to deal with on a day to day basis...this thing is HARD!
Pray for a sista! *scrolls back up to drool over the burger in the pic*
Thursday, December 8, 2011
WishList: ZUMBA!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Most Kings....Get Ready!
Mosssst Kiiiingggggssss....get their headssss cut oooooffffffff *bobs head* LOL!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
LookBook: I LOVE this
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
We Found Love...
It seems like she was trying to give us a view into her and Chris Brown's relationship...just my opinion. From the guy in the video who resembles Chris Brown with the blonde hair, the parties and the discreet depiction of domestic violence.
Tell me what you think....
Get To Giving! SUPER RICH

Me waking up at 4:30 in the AM has become the norm over the past couple weeks so I started using it as my thinking/meditation time and I've had great thoughts and ideas!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Law of Attraction
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Gotta Get Your Mind Right...
So i'm a Pandora fanatic and it gets me through MOST of my days at work...I was listening to the Mary Mary station and this was the first song that came on. Sometimes I listen to music without listening to the lyrics if i'm doing something else. I listening to these lyrics and they are really good! It's talking about reaching our destination and goals and it starts with getting our minds together first. Some people move to different place, change their appearances etc. but nothing will change if your mind isn't in the right place before the body follows, things will pretty much be the same.
I likessss....
Monday, October 31, 2011
Good Night Quote
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
It's so true...a lot of new artists are not setting their own path. They go for what's catchy, not what's true to themselves that's why they have no longevity. People can hate on Wale because he's "not from DC" or too "cocky" but he's putting in work and I can definitely see him outlasting a lot of newly accepted rappers that are out. Any success takes failure first...just like my other post said "Most Kings get their heads cut off"
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Miss Representation....
I'm always looking for a good documentary because I love to learn or get more information on all different types of subjects. I saw this trailer on a website and I thought it would be of interest to a lot of people. This documentary is to air on the OWN network sometime this month! I hope I haven't already missed it. Check it out and think about the shows we let our kids or relatives watch on tv and think about the message it sends. We underestimate the power of the media but we never know what the kids, teens or even adults believe and the sad part is...media is controlled so there are those who pick and choose what will be disclosed to the people. It's important to educate ourselves instead of being lazy and just believing any and everything that is fed to us.
Newest Miss Representation Trailer (2011 Sundance Film Festival Official Selection) from Miss Representation on Vimeo.
What do you think?? This can also be a wake up call for those who have sons, we have to be careful the things we tell or teach them about women. It's ok to teach them to watch out for the gold diggers, hoes and trappers but ALL women aren't that way and the ones who are...we have to wonder what got them to that point to think being all the above, ok?Interviews...
The most important thing I saw in my interview I did, being prepared helps!! If you have a list of questions you always have something to refer to. Even if the interview flows and things are just spoken about naturally, whenever you get stuck you can go back to your list. It's good to practice on friends and family members, children included...they are the most honest! Do your research before coming up with questions, it's a terrible feeling for a interviewee to get annoyed because you're asking question pertaining nothing to them or their area of expertise.
EXHIBIT A: Lil Wayne kicks out a interviewer for not doing his proper research LOL Funny but a tough way to learn about the importance of research.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Most Kings Get Their Heads Cut Off.....
By the way....28 more days until the WATCH THE THRONE TOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Cole World: Daddy's Little Girl
I'm a huge fan of J. Cole and is long awaited album 'Cole World' is will be released tomorrow. I put up about post about him a while ago, be sure to check it out! J. Cole <-- click and it will direct you to the post...sorry had to do that for the readers who may have been looking for the link. I've followed all of his mixtapes and he talks about a lot of good stuff!
He just released a video for one of my fave songs on the new album! It's deep and depicts a picture that is the norm for a lot of girls now days. Girls need their dads or a really good and consistent father figure.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Update: Facebook Fast....
I know you all are wondering if I've given in during my FB fast...or maybe you could care less BUT I'll let you know how things have been going anyway! lol In almost a month, I have only logged back in to FB ONE time and it was for a co worker who wanted to see the page of a security guard that worked in our building who unfortunately got murdered. And as soon as we looked at the page, I deactivated it right away! I did glance at a few pics but I was on it for about 10 minutes. Yaayyy Meeee!!
Since then, I have accomplished so many different things! I've been way more productive at work, I've sent a query to a magazine for one of my articles and I'm waiting to hear back from them...I hope they accept! I've began blogging for another website Just Shuddup be sure to check me out, my name on there is Eesh77. And I have started my 'Crafts of Magazine Writing' online course and I love it so far! I'm learning a lot about this writing thing and how much you can really do with it if you work hard and stay focused. Oh, I've also continued with the tutoring program and have another student.
Wheeewww! so yeah I've been productively busy and I feel great! The crazy part is, I really don't miss Facebook. Maybe because I have twitter for the meantime in between time but it definitely isn't as time consuming as FB. We really don't realize how much the smallest things hold us back, if there is something you can cut back on try it and see how much more you can get accomplished without that thing in your life for just a month....you will be surprised!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Quote for the day....
~ John Assaraf
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Be Prepared....
Just thought I'd share how important it is to prepare ahead of time so when opportunities present themselves we are ready to take full advantage! We always hope and pray for just that one break but just think, if you get that break are you even ready to step up to the plate?? There is always downtime when we feel we are doing things for no reason or wasting time but there will be that time when opportunity comes knocking...will you be prepared??
Don't waste time on things that won't move you forward because that time could be spent on investing in your future and that one break can sling shot you to a place you've always wanted to be!!
Have a great week!!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Raunchy Day...LOL
*turns up headphones*
I still don't think a Drake/Wayne album would touch Watch the Throne but they may have hotter beats but lyrics...no competition and that's what matters! But they could put together a catchy album that won't be timeless as Jay and Kanye always does as individuals and now combined!
Sorry, you know I have to have a Jay Z plug whenever I get the chance!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Queen Bey is Preggers!!!!

Yes Yes Yes!! ya'll knew it was coming!! Jay and Bey are preggers!!! Bey revealed her baby bump at the 2011 VMA red carpet then she stamped it at her performance when singing "Love on Top" and she opened her jacket!! Jay's expression was priceless! I so love the Carters!
MTV Video Music Awards 2011 - BEYONCE "Love on Top" from Chokolate mmm on Vimeo.
Bey still knows how to rock the stage, in her high heels, fierce and preggers! So now the media can stop spreading rumors about Bey being pregnant for the millionth time! She definitely smacked the media in the face with this one. I love them! They keep their business so private that people often wonder so much that they have to make up things to say so now they gave people a small glimpse into their world and as we see they are very much in love. A relationship should have some sort of privacy because it keeps the intimacy between the couple. Relationships don't have to be validated by facebook, twitter or anyone else besides the two involved. Ok as I digress as usual, CONGRATS to the happy couple!!
By the way, Yeezy looks just as happy as Jay!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Be YOU...
"Don't be perfect
Be you
Don't be what you think they want you to be
Be what you know you are
Don't look outside yourself for anything
It's all within."
- Jackson Kiddard
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Facebook Detox

When we are on Facebook we are doing exactly what my previous post stated, NOT minding our business! I also did research and Buzz Blog said that over 700 billion minutes a month are spent on Facebook...that is insane to me! And I'm sure I've contributed a great portion of those 700 billion minutes. I started to think Hmmm how much more could I get accomplished using those minutes doing more productive things with my time. I had a whole list of things and that's what I'm going to tackle during my detox. I've started with just a month so hopefully I will have something good to report after this is over. Plus, all we are reading about is a bunch of embellished lives, hyped up relationships, drama and looking at bottle poppin' and white girl wasted pics *shrugs* Definitely not knocking anyone but hey "it is what it is"....
I've already deactivated my page and I've caught myself almost activating it just to get a quick "hit" LOL Who knows, I may never get back on Facebook but I seriously doubt that but I may start a new page and become a "Productive Facebooker" using it to find businesses, groups and network with people trying to do the same things I am. Wish me luck! Well pray for a sista!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Mind Your Business!
He also spoke about how some of us don't know what "our business" is....which is so very true! He said the way to find our business is to think about the things that brings us happiness and people confirm that we are great at it, whatever that thing or those things are that is what we need to focus and put all our time and energy into. A lot of times we have to do things when we don't feel like it, that is what separates the ones who move to the next level, come into contact with the right people at the right time and do more than they could have imagined.
I have a feeling I know what my business is but sometimes I have a problem with knowing how to go about getting where I need to go. So for now I am just going to improve on these things, study, continue helping others and leave the rest in God's hands. The preacher used the FORM acronym to explain how to find "your business" which is...
F - What fires you up...
O - Others confirm it....
R - Remember what you've done well in the past....
M - It Makes others feel good...
I came up with a great idea to start doing with something I know I'm really good at so stay tuned! I should have something new on here within about a month! I'm excited, but i just can't let those "I don't feel like it" days slow me down.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
You Will Get There....
Inspired by the tomboy in me LOL
Monday, August 15, 2011
Beautiful People....
I recently stopped believing in flaws, what we think are "flaws" are the things that make you...YOU! Of course we all have things we need to work on but who doesn't?? I've been working hard lately on not judging because as one of my previous posts stated earlier "everyone has a story".....Also putting negative thoughts about people into others head is not fair, if you feel a certain type way about someone, keep it to yourself unless the other person has a way of defending themselves. We all like to vent but sometimes venting to the wrong person can eventually become damaging.
as I digress (as usual)....LIVE...LOVE....LAUGH! I have the laughing part down packed, don't take life too seriously :-))
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Passion vs Money
I am also one of those people who is terrified of change, I've been coming out of my comfort zone for the past year and it feels great but when it comes to money I'm still stuck in my zone. It's always that question "well how am I going to pay my bills"??? I've always had this fear of being flat broke so I'm always stashing money, saving etc. But I have passions I want to pursue but by the time I get off from my 9-5 I'm dead tired. I'm really thankful for my job especially in these financially trying times but I know I have more in me. I just have to discipline myself to maximize the free time I do have instead of being lazy or participating in useless activities.
My small piece of advice to my fellow "passion pursuers" don't quit your day job UNLESS it is just something that you hate and is emotionally draining and you just can't take it! lol With doing that you will have to downsize your lifestyle in order to make ends meet with the funds you bring in from your passion, if any in the beginning. But back to my advice (did I mention I think I have adult ADHD), put your all into whatever side career you are pursuing. Spend any free time practicing, networking, marketing yourself etc. A lot of times we will have to say NO to a lot of people but you know it's for the better. Also use the extra money from the 9-5 to fund your passion. A lot of times we can teach ourselves many things but we have to be dedicated and disciplined to do it.
We have everything we need WITHIN ourselves to do anything we want! We just can't let what society says and the "norm" scare us away. Even if we just read a book about whatever we're pursuing, that is better than nothing. When we take one step, God takes the next and HE will put us in contact with the right people and put us at the right places at the right time. But if we don't make a move neither will HE. We only get one life to live so why not enjoy it as much as possible! When you are doing what you love the money will follow, I used to just think that was just a cliche' but I've seen many examples of individuals stepping out on faith and everything working out in the end. They are more financially stable than they were in their comfort zone and living a fulfilled life.
Trust me, I am still a work in progress so I wrote this so I can continuously read it for myself because I'm still in a "stuck" phase but I hope this helped someone else in the meantime!!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Now Listening....

I'm getting even more excited about the show and pissed at the same time because it's almost 3 WHOLLEEEEE months away!!
Make sure you get a copy off iTunes and the hard copies will be in Best Buy on August 12th...
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Everyone Has a Story....
J is for Junkie [Full Length] from Greedmont Park on Vimeo.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Jay-N-Ye' Documentary
Watch The Throne!!!!

I just saw the most exciting news of the month today!!!!! Jay Z & Kanye will be starting their "The Throne" tour!!! I've been waiting for this for soooooo long!!! We all know I'm an avid Jay fan and I love Kanye....can't wait!!! I've posted the tour dates released so far!! BE THERE!!! September 29th can't get here quick enough!!!
9/22/11 Detroit, MI Palace of Auburn Hills
9/24/11 Toronto, ON Air Canada Centre
9/25/11 Montreal, QC Bell Centre
9/27/11 East Rutherford, NJ Izod Center
9/28/11 East Rutherford, NJ Izod Center
9/29/11 Washington DC Verizon Center
10/4/11 Philadelphia, PA Wells Fargo Center
10/6/11 Chicago, IL United Center
10/7/11 Chicago, IL United Center
10/8/11 Minneapolis, MN Target Center
10/10/11 Denver, CO Pepsi Center
10/13/11 Tacoma, WA Tacoma Dome
10/14/11 Vancouver, BC Rogers Arena
10/16/11 San Jose, CA HP Pavilion
10/17/11 Sacramento, CA Power Balance Pavilion
10/19/11 Los Angeles, CA Staples Center
10/20/11 Los Angeles, CA Staples Center
10/21/11 Las Vegas, NV MGM Grand Garden Arena
10/25/11 Dallas, TX American Airlines Center
10/26/11 Houston, TX Toyota Center
10/29/11 Atlanta, GA Philips Arena
10/30/11 Greensboro, NC Greensboro Coliseum
11/1/11 Baltimore, MD 1st Mariner Arena
11/3/11 Boston, MA TD Garden
The Blueprint...

People always thought the worse of him, no one ever gave him anything or a chance to prove himself so he did it his way and now he calls all the shots, has and is still turning all types of people into believers.
One of my random days, think I'll be posting things all day!
"a wise man told me don't argue wit' fools...cuz people from a distance can't tell who is who...."
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Speaking Up...Truth Heals

Speaking up can be a scary thing for many of us, I know for me it is because I HATE conflict. Also when I say things at times I don't know nice ways to say it and I never want to hurt a person's feelings even if what I am saying is the truth. So to spare someone's feelings and avoid conflict I will rather just say nothing. The saying is true "you can't handle the truth"!!! We all say we want to hear it but if it does not line up with what we HOPE to hear we get hurt, offended and upset. But once the truth has been spoken and the feelings have died down, it can begin to heal situations and relationships because all parties are aware of true feelings. The key to the truth being a healer and not a killer is the motive.....
We should never intentionally try to hurt a person's feelings because that will definitely backfire and make matters worse. But if deep down inside the goal is to help one become better or to help two or more better understand each other, things will eventually work out. It will take time because people's feelings can get hurt easily especially if it is coming from a person who never speaks up or if the person is not used to others voicing their opinions. A lot of times we genuinely think we are right in many situations and until the truth is brought to our attention we will continue to act and feel the same. I know my feelings get hurt when I hear the truth but I can respect it and I also think really hard about what I've been told. But the source has to be reliable. Some people say things that are just really bogus but we know when a person really wants to help and we also know areas that we need to work on but we choose to ignore them.
Recently, I was in a situation where I was forced to say a lot of things that I had been holding in for years and I felt really bad after wards! But I reminded myself of the goal and my motives and they were all in line so I just have to leave it up to time to heal the feelings. In me stating how I had been feeling I got a lot of feedback that I needed and I felt a lot better. Some of my assumptions were even cleared up and we both knew exactly where each other stood. Conflict is inevitable so sometimes we need to move towards "healthy" conflict and it will make you a more confident person and you will also see the quality of relationships improve over time. Expressing oneself opens up the lines of communication and communication is key in any relationship not just with a significant other. You develop more intimate relationships when you get below the surface. We can all put on a good face but we all have things that we want to say to many people but are afraid of conflict or the outcome.
So find a way to say what's on your mind....be sure to think about your words because words are powerful. If you are just starting out, maybe write a letter then discuss the letter after it has been read. But there will be a big weight lifted once speaking up becomes the norm and in order to get what you want in life you have to SAY WHAT YOU MEAN & ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT! No one is a mind reader and hoping people will just know how you feel will leave you upset and frustrated every time.
I hope this helped someone....
Monday, July 11, 2011
Kelz's Pick-Me-Up....
As she saved the day and fit me in her schedule to do my hair after a couple days at the beach it turned out to be a wonderful visit. We both were talking about our feelings, dreams, goals, moments of feeling stuck and also confusion. I left with a different perspective and more energy to continue working at the things I enjoy. I shared how I had been slacking off on the blog post updates, slacking on my photography and just at a state of confusion. I know what I love to do but I just can't think of what I want to call it that I want to be...if that makes any sense. The thing that stuck out the most was "you got the goods"...I have everything I already need and if I just continue to be diligent and improve on ALL the things I enjoy doing which also unknowingly help and inspire others God will guide me and it will all make sense.
I also expressed how I feel like I put time in and I never see anything come of those things so she asked "well how much time are you putting in"?? And as I thought about it, I have days where I go ALL IN then I won't do anything for a good couple weeks and that isn't good enough. So I am working on doing one thing a day involving goals I wish to accomplish. My problem is focus and discouragement. When I get discouraged I lose FOCUS. I'm working on it and I know I will see improvement in those two areas.
So thanks again Kelz and know that you really helped!! Be sure to check out her wonderful site Living For Purpose and be sure to order a copy of her new book !!!
Have a great one people and just remember, take everything one day at a time...don't focus on the bigger picture do your best in the NOW and the bigger picture will be more than you could even imagine!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Great Quote!!!
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I thought this was a great quote especially when we get hard on ourselves when working to accomplish goals. A lot of times it's the smallest achievements that actually define success. The big goals are awesome to tackle but don't overlook the small things that we give and get. Hope this helped your day, I know it has helped mines.....
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Also MEN, you don't have to be hard all the time! Loosen up and have a little fun with the kiddies.
I hope you enjoyed! If you do have a good father, husband, boyfriend, baby daddy etc. treat him good this coming Sunday. You don't have to buy an extravagant gift but just do something for him that he will remember forever.
Monday, June 13, 2011

I've been really slacking on blogging lately, I've been kind of busy doing other things in my spare time but I promise I'm back on it! I thought Gratitude would be a great topic to come back on...my plain and simple definition is appreciation of anything a person does for me, whether it be big or small! Having gratitude and being humble go hand in hand, life has a way of humbling all people who have a sense of entitlement, in other words ungrateful people!
We have to realize, we came in this world alone and we will leave alone so NO ONE...i repeat NO ONE owes us anything! The only person we can hold accountable is God based on His promises to us and even with that we may not get the very things we ask for but we will get the things that we need and that are best for us. So anytime someone does anything even if it's just a simple compliment that brightens up our day, we need to be thankful for that. It's the smallest gestures that make a huge difference in our day to day living. Individuals are always looking for fireworks, blow horns and fire spitting monkeys in order to be happy. when little things no longer make you happy, you will NEVER get to get the bigger things in life. Why would God give us more when we don't appreciate what we already have?? We sometimes need to take a look inside and see what's the problem when nothing makes us happy. Why do we always nag?? Why do we always complain?? Why do we feel it's others job to clean up our mess we made?? It's a form of self hate...point blank. When we hate who we are as individuals there is nothing any one or any THING can do on the outside to bring satisfaction.
This is why there are tons of sick minded people in this world because instead of searching within themselves they point the finger at others, throw dirt on others names etc. because they want everyone to feel like they do and try to make themselves feel better. When in reality the problem hasn't been solved! Everyone continues on with their life and see these individuals for who they really are. It's time for us (me included) to GIVE more, then you RECEIVE 10x what you put out. Don't give just to get something out of, give from your heart. Even if it's not appreciated just do it because it's the right thing to do. Good Givers are Good Getters as Russell Simmons would say and we all know he's getting IT! lol
Always remember, HURT PEOPLE...HURT PEOPLE and there are some things you can overlook but when you are no longer appreciated or respected it's time to re evaluate your self worth and make the necessary changes. We can make this world a lot better if we get out of our own way and think about ways to help others and we ALL will benefit in the end :-))
Kind of long but it's with good intention....
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Urban Soul Warrior....

I haven't finished reading just yet but where I've gotten so far I am in awe at the things that I've learned about myself. I've suppressed so many feelings, beliefs and dreams while centering most of my opinions around the "norm". This book will be like a RAW version of a diary! You can get the book on Amazon for dirt cheap so cop you one!!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
My rant to Patience...
"Dear Patience aka Bxtch,
Why are you so hard to obtain?? Why when I think I have you down packed you seem to slip through my fingertips? Why are you always tested when I feel I'm at my best ME?? Why do you make me feel like I’m wasting time with nothing to come in the end?? Why do others without you seem to get all the goods?? Am I making any progress? If so, I sure as hell can’t tell! Can you just show me one sign…a bite sized sign….a huge sign…anything?!"
I'm thinking of submitting this in it's entirety to a magazine because I know we ALL have these thoughts and feelings at some point and time. Just thought I'd share...
Monday, April 11, 2011
Color Outside the Lines....
What a great way to start out with a clip from a new film coming out entitled "Color Outside the Lines: A Tattoo Documentary".... this films documents black tattoo artist and their struggle in the tattoo world. Talks about the differences between "scratchers" and real SKILLED tattoo artist. Today's society loves tattoos but we need to get to supporting the real artist who have taken out the time to actually learn their craft and give amazing and HEALTHY tats.
Check out the trailer and become a backer of the film if you would like to support this movement!
Follow @miyabailey on twitter....
Friday, March 11, 2011
Love Them to Pieces...BEY N' JAY
It's always important to have fun with your partner...sometimes we take life too seriously! You don't want your home life being drab so make your relationship what YOU TWO want it to be not what people say it should be. I'm a big kid at heart so my partner has to know how to have fun or we will NOT work...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Keep On Pushin....
Just thought I would share this quote that I came across on twitter, for anyone who may be feeling overwhelmed by things going on in life right now. Keep pushing and know that everything will get better. That's what I'm reminding myself now during my rough patch...I've really matured because with all the BS I still have a sense of happiness and joy =)) it's impossible for negative times to last forever...do your part, learn from it and let God handle the rest.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I'm a huge Kanye fan and off his most recent album this was one of my favorite tracks! This is such a doooope video...i love colors and from an artistic point of view it's amazing! It's like you almost get tranquilized staring at the colors.
Kanye West - All Of The Lights
Uploaded by UniversalMusicGroup. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.
I just wish all the features on the song could have been in the video...especially my girl Fergie! I know she would have went off! ENJOY!
I was reading on Necole Bitchie how this vid was deemed a health hazard! "particularly to those who suffer from epilepsy. The constant use of flashing imagery in the video may cause people with photosensitive epilepsy to have seizures. A U.K based charity group contacted Youtube and other video channels after they received calls from people who had seizures upon viewing the video"
WishList...Bedazzled Booties!!!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Hip Hop Sh*t...
"Sometimes I wish I had better friends and better peers...cuz I know when that cheddar ends they disappear"
Never knew Chris Brown to be a hip hop rapper but he did his thing. I hope he's not tired of dancing because he kept the bar high in the department...
*turns headphones up*

"Do you wanna be my boy/girlfriend" check YES or NO...
Do titles help or hurt "friendships" and potential relationships? I had just been randomly thinking, as always, and I wondered is having a title on a relationship a big deal?? I feel there are pros and cons but to me, when it boils down a title is just something to make the other partner accountable for their actions. I feel both parties having a CLEAR understanding is way more important than a title.
As you get older, no one really says "Ok today on February 16 we are now officially a couple" but where or when do you know you are exclusive with that person? A lot of times we don't realize we are exclusive until one day you look up like damn this is the only person I have a desire to be with but the question is does the person you're "dating" feel the same? Sometimes when there is no title it's an easy out if one gets caught up talking to or having sex with an outsider. That's where the understanding comes in...i feel these things should be kind of discussed once you find yourself consistently hanging out and talking on an everyday basis. it's easy to assume and then when things change you're kind of stuck because it's like, welllll do I say something or don't I...
A lot of times when we enter friendships we have no idea what direction that will go in. Women, not all but many, have a habit of not setting boundaries or stating their likes and dislikes as a way to make the guy feel 100% comfortable and to not cause confusion in the beginning. That is the problem...it is ok to say what you don't like or don't feel is acceptable. now, don't expect the guy to immediately change...if ever. But at least he will know what you expect if things do happen to progress and he will know what he's getting himself into up front. A lot of guys fear that once they put that stamp on the relationship being together becomes a chore and the dynamic changes drastically. The minute it's stamped then the female runs down this long list of do's and don'ts! So that's why at times commitment seems unattractive because everything changes. And that should not be the case...of course certain actions should be cut back but for the most part both parties should be on the same page by the time and commitment is made.
You don't place standards later, you set them in the beginning then that will make for a smoother transition. Me personally, I don't get caught up on titles because I like for things to just flow naturally BUT I do see why they could be important when dealing with someone who isn't being all the way up front about their "extracurricular" activities. Once that title gets spoken up the guy knows he needs to tie up any loose ends and even with a title that is not guaranteed! Some people will just give the title, to get the other person off their back but still doing them on the side....so I guess it's a no win situation. the key is OPEN AND HONEST communication, understanding and trust. Do what is best for YOU and your situation not what everyone else says you should do.
Everything does not work for everybody...
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day!

The same thought we put in making our loved ones happy today, we should try doing that more often...money doesn't always have to be spent, there will be years where finances aren't good so then how will love be shown?? just enjoy today and reflect on ALL the good in our lives and be sure not to let the superficial take away the true meaning of LOVE!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Black History Month...
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel" ~ Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou was featured on one of Oprah's series entitled 'MasterClass' and I learned that she was mute up until the age of 6! To think she is one of the greatest orators just shows me it doesn't matter how you start but how you finish and anyone is capable of greatness as long as it is desired. I love her spirit, all her interviews are just so fulfilling and they give hope and she can relate to anyone...not just writers, poets, ect. The lessons she's learned can be applied to any individuals every day life.
My Grandmother loves Maya Angelou and it is sooo crazy how she looks just like her!! My Gma also has the kind of soul like her as well. Very wise, and sweet but can be a firecracker at the drop of a dime! We always joke about how we are going to get my Gma on Oprah on a look-a-like show :-) My Gma is a huge fan of Oprah as well as Maya A. I've included a pic of my Gma in case you didn't believe me. People on a daily basis ask if my Gma is Maya and she tells them no and just giggles...there have been many people who thinks she is lying to keep her identity under wraps.
Even though blacks and their history should be celebrated and taught daily, let's be sure to take out at least this month to learn and teach someone, whether it be youth or an adult, about the strength of our black leaders!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Wish List....

Just browsing the net and thought I'd post a pic of an item I have to get for the summer! The Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses...I'd been debating on getting them all last year but I kept putting it off because I could never decide which color I wanted. These are my favorite...for now! Sported in the pic by Ashley Simpson....
Friday, January 28, 2011
Ozone Magazine...
My topic was derived from one of my posts I put up a few weeks ago about music videos and how we need to do better. We being, the supporters, artists, execs and directors. I initially wanted to get in the actual magazine but the editor told me this subject would be good for their website. More than likely because specific videos could be attached to a post online. I just kept reading it and was really proud of myself. Writing an article is not as easy as I thought...you have to really do your research on the subject matter because if you give false info it could be detrimental and people will chop your work to pieces! Thanks to my homie Lilzz who is an awesome writer, reading over it and giving me a few changes to make the article even better. I love my friends, we all have so much to offer one another.
With ALLLLL that being said, never underestimate your power, goals and dreams! You just never know...I know you all are probably thinking, it's just an article on a website but being as though I never tried a lot of things just automatically assuming my idea would be rejected this really inspired me to keep working hard! I hope you enjoy the article, I know I enjoyed writing it!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Today's Affirmation...
What are you affirming today???
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Spending Diet...
MUST READ: Bereolaesque....

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Baby Sharn...HOT new track!

Check out my girl Baby Sharn's new track over some Georgia Anne Muldrow! Keep an eye out for this up and coming artist...coming straight out of DC. She is surely giving all these other female artists a run for their money, I think she's a step above! Check out more from Baby Sharn on www.babysharn.com
http://usershare.net/yv7ju5nqt0a6?sms_ss=blogger&at_xt=4d2cba33d30b1bc9%2C0 <--- Click to download track...
Photos done by Tia Warhall...her work can be found on tiawarhall.tumblr.com