Monday, September 26, 2011

Cole World: Daddy's Little Girl

SEPTEMBER 27, 2011 Cole World will be released!! Cop you one lol

I'm a huge fan of J. Cole and is long awaited album 'Cole World' is will be released tomorrow. I put up about post about him a while ago, be sure to check it out! J. Cole <-- click and it will direct you to the post...sorry had to do that for the readers who may have been looking for the link. I've followed all of his mixtapes and he talks about a lot of good stuff!

He just released a video for one of my fave songs on the new album! It's deep and depicts a picture that is the norm for a lot of girls now days. Girls need their dads or a really good and consistent father figure.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Update: Facebook Fast....

Hey Hey Hey!!

I know you all are wondering if I've given in during my FB fast...or maybe you could care less BUT I'll let you know how things have been going anyway! lol In almost a month, I have only logged back in to FB ONE time and it was for a co worker who wanted to see the page of a security guard that worked in our building who unfortunately got murdered. And as soon as we looked at the page, I deactivated it right away! I did glance at a few pics but I was on it for about 10 minutes. Yaayyy Meeee!!

Since then, I have accomplished so many different things! I've been way more productive at work, I've sent a query to a magazine for one of my articles and I'm waiting to hear back from them...I hope they accept! I've began blogging for another website Just Shuddup be sure to check me out, my name on there is Eesh77. And I have started my 'Crafts of Magazine Writing' online course and I love it so far! I'm learning a lot about this writing thing and how much you can really do with it if you work hard and stay focused. Oh, I've also continued with the tutoring program and have another student.

Wheeewww! so yeah I've been productively busy and I feel great! The crazy part is, I really don't miss Facebook. Maybe because I have twitter for the meantime in between time but it definitely isn't as time consuming as FB. We really don't realize how much the smallest things hold us back, if there is something you can cut back on try it and see how much more you can get accomplished without that thing in your life for just a will be surprised!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Quote for the day....

“I just do not hang around anybody that I don’t want to be with. Period. For me, that’s been a blessing, and I can stay positive. I hang around people who are happy, who are growing, who want to learn, who don’t mind saying sorry or thank you… and [are] having a fun time.”

~ John Assaraf

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Be Prepared....

Good Morning! I hope the rain hasn't put a damper on your day so far!

Just thought I'd share how important it is to prepare ahead of time so when opportunities present themselves we are ready to take full advantage! We always hope and pray for just that one break but just think, if you get that break are you even ready to step up to the plate?? There is always downtime when we feel we are doing things for no reason or wasting time but there will be that time when opportunity comes knocking...will you be prepared??

Don't waste time on things that won't move you forward because that time could be spent on investing in your future and that one break can sling shot you to a place you've always wanted to be!!

Have a great week!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Raunchy Day...LOL

Soooo after Lil Wayne's #hotghettomess of a performance on the VMAs I'm embarrassed to put this song up but it's my guilty pleasure! "She Will"...the lyrics are raunchy as usual but I love the beat!

*turns up headphones*

I still don't think a Drake/Wayne album would touch Watch the Throne but they may have hotter beats but competition and that's what matters! But they could put together a catchy album that won't be timeless as Jay and Kanye always does as individuals and now combined!

Sorry, you know I have to have a Jay Z plug whenever I get the chance!