For all my Jay Z heads here is a mini documentary showing the process of opening the new Barclays arena as well as him preparing for his shows at the arena! I attended the last show and it was nothing short of amazing, as all of his shows are. At least that's how i feel lol He brought out Queen Bey and she tore it up as well as closed the show out with Jay singing Forever Young. I love their chemistry on and off the stage, i'm sure they have the ups and downs of any relationship but they seem genuinely happy, content and in love. They never do too much over the top PDA but you can tell they adore one another by their interactions. Sorry....back to the documentary lol I just love..LOVE!
I'm so happy for Brooklyn and Jay Z for this big move with the Nets...they aren't doing too bad either! The Nets beat the Knicks the other night so I think a rival has officially began. The battle of NY! He has brought so many jobs to the city as well as hope for kids from underpriveledged situations. Blacks aren't depicted in the most positive lights or being in many powerful positions on tv and in media so a lot of kids don't feel they are capable of achieving certain things. But Jay has shown them that anything is possible, regardless of your background or where you live.
And how cute was it for the lady on the train saying "oh I know about Jay Z"
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Happy Friday! New Affirmation
The weekend is finally here!! And the weather is supposed to be pretty decent so I'll be hitting the streets fo' sho'!
I finally got back to reading, I had slacked off after I had Cayden still trying to learn to balance my time and use free time wisely. Now I'm back at it, I have things pretty much down packed and I've gotten my butt back on the METRO so that's great reading time. I had gotten half way through Russell Simmons's Super Rich book and I picked back up where I left off. I have found me another daily affirmation to add to my few I say each day, or most days.
"Your only true job is to be awake and focused in the moment. The results of that work belong to God"
I need to say this just about every hour! This section title in the book was 'Let Go of The Results' and I definitely need to work on that. We oftentimes focus on how much money we will make, if we are making what we think we should make, will people hear us or ever notice our efforts and that takes away from focusing on the task at hand. And it also makes us give up if we don't see the results by the time we feel we should. Whether it's taking care of your home, working at your job, starting a business just focus each day and don't worry about the results and they will be more than expected. Each step prepares you for the next. I am going to try my best to continue reading, it really gets my creative juices flowing and my braining moving!
I finally got back to reading, I had slacked off after I had Cayden still trying to learn to balance my time and use free time wisely. Now I'm back at it, I have things pretty much down packed and I've gotten my butt back on the METRO so that's great reading time. I had gotten half way through Russell Simmons's Super Rich book and I picked back up where I left off. I have found me another daily affirmation to add to my few I say each day, or most days.
"Your only true job is to be awake and focused in the moment. The results of that work belong to God"
I need to say this just about every hour! This section title in the book was 'Let Go of The Results' and I definitely need to work on that. We oftentimes focus on how much money we will make, if we are making what we think we should make, will people hear us or ever notice our efforts and that takes away from focusing on the task at hand. And it also makes us give up if we don't see the results by the time we feel we should. Whether it's taking care of your home, working at your job, starting a business just focus each day and don't worry about the results and they will be more than expected. Each step prepares you for the next. I am going to try my best to continue reading, it really gets my creative juices flowing and my braining moving!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
I'm Officially HOOKED!!
So I'm sure I'm probably the last person on early to become addicted to Scandal but I'm HOOKED!! I did not watch the show last season but I just caught up on all the episodes from this season and Keri Washington aka OLIVIA is the shxt!!!! She handles her business! It's just crazy because a lot of this stuff makes you wonder how much of this goes on with politicians and other officials??? I always thought everyone was crooked but this show shines a whole different light on how things can disappear, be covered up and manipulated. My homie Buffie put me on to the show and I'm so glad she did! My Mom loves the show too so now we have more to talk about on our ride to work tomorrow! Let's hope I can stay up until 10 and not fall asleep.
I'm so proud of Keri Washington! I've been a fan of her since Save the Last Dance and she played the hell out of her role in I think I Love my Wife! I love seeing our black women in powerful roles on tv, even though some things may not be morally right but when you are dealing with crooked individuals you have to play the game they play or you won't survive!
I'm so proud of Keri Washington! I've been a fan of her since Save the Last Dance and she played the hell out of her role in I think I Love my Wife! I love seeing our black women in powerful roles on tv, even though some things may not be morally right but when you are dealing with crooked individuals you have to play the game they play or you won't survive!
Kids Style!
OMG! This little guy is so cute! I love his hair outfit and just everything about this pic! I was talking to someone about wanting my little guy to have a bush for a little while. He'll DEFINITELY have a haircut later on down the line but I'm feeling the wild style fro! I think his will turn out like this little boys...I am in love with overalls, they keep kids young and fun looking! Just wanted to share...yesterday, I saw some glasses like these online that I wanted to order loving this look! I'm a fan of Jordans and big boy clothes but I want my baby to know how to switch it up sometimes especially while he's young. Then when he is older he will know how to dress based on the occasion.
Monday, November 26, 2012
If You Are Going to Worry...Don't Pray
I'm sure many of us can relate to this!! I soooo needed this post the other! One of my fave people, June Ambrose, posted this on her Instagram page and it came right on time! I am dealing with a few issues that are out of my control which is nerve wrecking to the controlling Aisha...Lawd give me strenfff! Life has a way of throwing everything at you all at once....either all the good or all the bad , or what we assume to be bad. It's just hard to not worry when you have been waiting on certain situations to get better when you have been waiting for extended periods of times...meaning years! But I have to remember God has it and we always forget to look back at how far we have came instead of looking at trials at the present moment. Just how we moved forward in the past, we will do the same at the moment and in the future. These setbacks are just memories to allow us to experience joy when we move on to the next step. Do as much as you can, give as much as you can give then after that just Pray and DONT Worry!
He got us....I believe that
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
WE DID IT....AGAIN!!!!!!!!
Soooooooooooooooo the Obamas are back in the White House and I couldn't be more excited! This family as a whole has endured such criticism, disrespect and not mention racism. Obama has cleaned up 8 years worth of mess and has made so many changes without the help of Congress so just imagine what he could do if both parties could work together! At the end of the day, people need to realize it's not about race it's about coming together so EVERYONE can benefit. Each person matters, not just the rich and everyone has their own unique ways they can contribute to society if given a fair chance. So I'm glad I can say I did my part in getting Obama back into the White House and I hope you did as well. I love the Obamas as a couple! They pray together, party together, work together, parent together and compliment each other very well!! They definitely give us hope...not just blacks but society as a whole! I just wish some people would become color blind then they too will understand the love and respect his supporters have for him, his values and his hard work! CONGRATS AGAIN!!!!
Cayden was knocked out sleep before the winning numbers were in but we had a ball waiting on the results!
Soooooooooooooooo the Obamas are back in the White House and I couldn't be more excited! This family as a whole has endured such criticism, disrespect and not mention racism. Obama has cleaned up 8 years worth of mess and has made so many changes without the help of Congress so just imagine what he could do if both parties could work together! At the end of the day, people need to realize it's not about race it's about coming together so EVERYONE can benefit. Each person matters, not just the rich and everyone has their own unique ways they can contribute to society if given a fair chance. So I'm glad I can say I did my part in getting Obama back into the White House and I hope you did as well. I love the Obamas as a couple! They pray together, party together, work together, parent together and compliment each other very well!! They definitely give us hope...not just blacks but society as a whole! I just wish some people would become color blind then they too will understand the love and respect his supporters have for him, his values and his hard work! CONGRATS AGAIN!!!!
Cayden was knocked out sleep before the winning numbers were in but we had a ball waiting on the results!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Not Yet....
Has anyone else ever had a "not yet" moment?!?! I'm speaking of those times when you have been patient, you have done everything you can do and you are ready to throw in the towel....then out of nowhere something happens to stop you from giving up to let you know "not yet"!! don't give up just yet! Maybe it is a relationship where you are just at a loss of words or actions then that person does something for you to make you remember why you love them so much! That's a "not yet" moment...or if you have applied to countless jobs with nothing to come of the situations and you go on strike! Then a friend says they know of a place who's hiring...another "not yet" moment. When God has something for you, he was to strengthen your character, patience and make you appreciate the blessing when you receive it. So he will have you thinking it's over then send a small sign that says "not yet" but soon...just be patient! I know I've had a few not yet moments and all I can do is smile. Almost 7 years ago I prayed for God to work on my patience because I am verrrrry impatient and I can tell you, he's definitely answered that prayer! So like the old folks say, a delay is never a deny so just hold tight and focus on the good then before you know it you will see all things PLUS more come to pass!
HOLD're almost there!! :-))
HOLD're almost there!! :-))
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Act on your IDEAS...immediately!
Just a short post about our ideas and thoughts. When we have a idea we feel is great, we should act on it immediately! Even if it's writing it down, writing up a plan or even talking about it to someone else...someone you trust to not steal it of course LOL! This allows the flame in our idea to not go out. How many times have we come up with something we wanted to do and never act on it and before you know it you have convinced yourself of all the reasons why it wasn't a good idea in the beginning??? That's because we let the spark dissipate. Grant it, some ideas may genuinely have been far left field but there are many that could turn into something bigger and we don't need to write them off as just another crazy idea. Crazy ideas usually end up with crazily great (made that up lol) results!
Today, just write down some idea, business or dream you've had and try your best to work on it each day.
Today, just write down some idea, business or dream you've had and try your best to work on it each day.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Loving TWO ppl at the same DAMN time!
I came across this video on necole bitchie and it got me thinking! I've always heard this question "can you really love two people at the same time" and I always said no you can't because you don't genuinely love them if you have feelings for another person. Check out Chris Brown's video then I'll go into how I feel now...the older wiser me
I definitely feel you can love two people at the same time but to be in love with two people...maybe not so much. You can have deep feelings for two people but I feel time spent is what makes you fall in love with a person. And hopefully if you are dating someone, you aren't spending too much if any time with the other person you have feelings for. We are loving beings so love is just a natural feeling. But it's the worse when you are single and you are trying to decide which person you want to be with when loving both. I'm sure Chris Brown is stuck between a rock and a hard plate. I think him and Rihanna have always wanted to be together but due to their fans and media, it would cause confusion since domestic violence was the reason for them breaking up. Media feels it is not a good example for the young fans of either of the stars, Chris being the abuser (allegedly, i still have my views on that too) and Rihanna being the victim and going back to someone who has put his hands on her.
But anyway, I think if you love two people at the same time you have to look beyond love when choosing who you want to be with. Now if you aren't trying to commit for the long term, just go with the flow and stay single but being OPEN AND HONEST is key! But when trying to make a decision on a long term relationship that you want to progress to more love doesn't always hold things together. It's about who you are most compatible with, who has the same goals and dreams as you, who is able to understand and deal with the lifestyle you live, who accepts you for who you are with no adjustments being made and who can you work well with the best. We can love tons of people but when it comes to a relationship, its about team work and if you can't get along and work together....what's love got to do with it?!? There are tons of people who are in love with someone but their beliefs are different, they want the other person to live a different lifestyle or they just love the idea of the person. So love can be a tricky thing, but my opinion is we all have to look beyond can be a euphoric feeling but you have to step away and figure out who is best for YOU!
I definitely feel you can love two people at the same time but to be in love with two people...maybe not so much. You can have deep feelings for two people but I feel time spent is what makes you fall in love with a person. And hopefully if you are dating someone, you aren't spending too much if any time with the other person you have feelings for. We are loving beings so love is just a natural feeling. But it's the worse when you are single and you are trying to decide which person you want to be with when loving both. I'm sure Chris Brown is stuck between a rock and a hard plate. I think him and Rihanna have always wanted to be together but due to their fans and media, it would cause confusion since domestic violence was the reason for them breaking up. Media feels it is not a good example for the young fans of either of the stars, Chris being the abuser (allegedly, i still have my views on that too) and Rihanna being the victim and going back to someone who has put his hands on her.
But anyway, I think if you love two people at the same time you have to look beyond love when choosing who you want to be with. Now if you aren't trying to commit for the long term, just go with the flow and stay single but being OPEN AND HONEST is key! But when trying to make a decision on a long term relationship that you want to progress to more love doesn't always hold things together. It's about who you are most compatible with, who has the same goals and dreams as you, who is able to understand and deal with the lifestyle you live, who accepts you for who you are with no adjustments being made and who can you work well with the best. We can love tons of people but when it comes to a relationship, its about team work and if you can't get along and work together....what's love got to do with it?!? There are tons of people who are in love with someone but their beliefs are different, they want the other person to live a different lifestyle or they just love the idea of the person. So love can be a tricky thing, but my opinion is we all have to look beyond can be a euphoric feeling but you have to step away and figure out who is best for YOU!
Monday, October 1, 2012
LOVE Reminders...
Happy Monday People!!
I was reading the Married & Merry blog and loved today's post!! I have already set my basic reminders and I'm excited to get it started! I'm pretty good with the I love you's, hugs and thanks yous but the GET OVER IT and I'M NOT PERFECT definitely needs to be brushed up on. Like the blog says, a lot of these things seem to be very trivial but they are the main things that keep the spark in a relationship when life begins to become routine. I'm also going to add some reminders that are unique to my personal relationship but these basics are definitely a great start! Try it out and see if things change for you and your spouse. I'd love to hear updates! These also go hand in hand with the daily affirmations...
I was reading the Married & Merry blog and loved today's post!! I have already set my basic reminders and I'm excited to get it started! I'm pretty good with the I love you's, hugs and thanks yous but the GET OVER IT and I'M NOT PERFECT definitely needs to be brushed up on. Like the blog says, a lot of these things seem to be very trivial but they are the main things that keep the spark in a relationship when life begins to become routine. I'm also going to add some reminders that are unique to my personal relationship but these basics are definitely a great start! Try it out and see if things change for you and your spouse. I'd love to hear updates! These also go hand in hand with the daily affirmations...
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Me n Tha Kid!
Just a few pictures of me and my little guy!! He is the happiest most serious baby I know! He went to his first Redskin game on Sunday and we had a ball! The pics from that will be in Cayden's corner for you all to check them out.
I love the one in his "business" attire LOL! I was a little iffy about the get up initially but I love it now....
I love the one in his "business" attire LOL! I was a little iffy about the get up initially but I love it now....
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Say It With Me....
- Abundance flows into my life in surprising and miraculous ways everyday
- Every time I turn around I get a check in the mail
- I love you and I have all I need within ME!
- There is only brightness in my future
I am beginning to tell myself things that I want to see and keep saying them until I actually believe them! I'm all over this Oprah website! Remember, what you believe is the energy that will be sent out and comes back to you. Even if you don't believe it initially, continue to say it and act AS IF it's already happened and change will begin.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Super Soul Sunday
I love love love "SELF HELP" shows, books, interviews etc! The best self help tools are real life people's stories of their transformations and evolution to the person who they always wanted to be. Over the past few years I have really been working hard on becoming a better person, not being afraid to be ME and getting over a lot of fears that have paralyzed me my entire life. That's why it seems as if a lot of my posts have had hidden messages or some sort of lesson, many of them are situations or "conflict" that has happened. I've always been one to avoid conflict which I feel has hindered my growth immensely. I always looked at conflict as a bad thing not a tool to prepare me for what's to come. I just finished watching Oprah's Super Soul Sunday with DeVon Franklin and had MANY "ahh ha" moments as Oprah calls them! His interview was like a breath of fresh air and I'm so happy for him and Megan Goode!
Below are things that I've taken away from DeVon's interview! I'll also put out there what I have been doing that is holding me back.
There is no story without conflict. Collaborate with God on the script of your life, in order for God to perfect your achieve this God will ALWAYS steer you into conflict. He knows that we will not grow if we don't go through conflict. Conflict builds character and integrity to finish YOUR story...conflict prepares you for your ultimate goals and dreams. These are the points referencing conflict! Each and every one that I have listed I felt the total opposite. I thought we were to avoid conflict, I thought God was just going to "make things happen" but when DeVon spoke on collaborating that struck a nerve. I oftentimes can be "all over the place" in my mind because I have not thought about my PURPOSE! I know tons of things I love to do but if I was given the platform I am lost as to my reasons. I mean, i have the basic reasons as far as wanting to help others, give back etc. but I will try spending more alone time to give myself a more focused goal. It was also mentioned that fame should never be the ultimate goal because if you have no motivation or purpose once fame is obtained then you ask yourself NOW WHAT??? And that's when the unhappiness comes into a lot of famous people's lives. Not all, but many.
Embracing who you are will open doors not shut them. If your faith will not fit through the doors that not walk through them. These two points were like double ahh ha's for me! I don't think I've ever embraced who I really am trying to fit a particular mold of what I think I should be. Some based on the way I was raised, definitely not in a bad way, and also based on what worked for others. DeVon said we have to know that we have all that we need within us to be great, we oftentimes feel we don't have enough because we compare ourselves to what other's have or are doing. That is just a scene in their movie but we never know what scene is next. So we have to stay in our role of our life and we will begin to embrace everything that has always been within us placed by God. Sometimes when it comes to jobs I would not be myself because in school we were taught to act this way, dress this way, say this, don't say that and you will land the job! That definitely works if you just want A JOB but when you want to live life to the fullest embracing the real you is the fast way to get there.
One of the last questions Oprah asked was "How to surrender yourself"???? DeVon's answer was "Remember that God loves us and wants the best" and in the back of my mind I know that but I never kept that as a focus for all my decisions. I can say my faith has been very week over the years when things don't go my way or if I feel I've put my all into something and nothing comes after. I learned that maybe things never progressed because I was being the best as SOMEONE ELSE not the authentic ME.
So I have a lot of work to do and I definitely have some conflicts that need to be approached head on! I know this is lengthy but hopefully someone out there will read it and get inspired.
Feel free to leave a comment...I feel myself gradually opening up and not being ashamed of my shortcomings :-)
Below are things that I've taken away from DeVon's interview! I'll also put out there what I have been doing that is holding me back.
There is no story without conflict. Collaborate with God on the script of your life, in order for God to perfect your achieve this God will ALWAYS steer you into conflict. He knows that we will not grow if we don't go through conflict. Conflict builds character and integrity to finish YOUR story...conflict prepares you for your ultimate goals and dreams. These are the points referencing conflict! Each and every one that I have listed I felt the total opposite. I thought we were to avoid conflict, I thought God was just going to "make things happen" but when DeVon spoke on collaborating that struck a nerve. I oftentimes can be "all over the place" in my mind because I have not thought about my PURPOSE! I know tons of things I love to do but if I was given the platform I am lost as to my reasons. I mean, i have the basic reasons as far as wanting to help others, give back etc. but I will try spending more alone time to give myself a more focused goal. It was also mentioned that fame should never be the ultimate goal because if you have no motivation or purpose once fame is obtained then you ask yourself NOW WHAT??? And that's when the unhappiness comes into a lot of famous people's lives. Not all, but many.
Embracing who you are will open doors not shut them. If your faith will not fit through the doors that not walk through them. These two points were like double ahh ha's for me! I don't think I've ever embraced who I really am trying to fit a particular mold of what I think I should be. Some based on the way I was raised, definitely not in a bad way, and also based on what worked for others. DeVon said we have to know that we have all that we need within us to be great, we oftentimes feel we don't have enough because we compare ourselves to what other's have or are doing. That is just a scene in their movie but we never know what scene is next. So we have to stay in our role of our life and we will begin to embrace everything that has always been within us placed by God. Sometimes when it comes to jobs I would not be myself because in school we were taught to act this way, dress this way, say this, don't say that and you will land the job! That definitely works if you just want A JOB but when you want to live life to the fullest embracing the real you is the fast way to get there.
One of the last questions Oprah asked was "How to surrender yourself"???? DeVon's answer was "Remember that God loves us and wants the best" and in the back of my mind I know that but I never kept that as a focus for all my decisions. I can say my faith has been very week over the years when things don't go my way or if I feel I've put my all into something and nothing comes after. I learned that maybe things never progressed because I was being the best as SOMEONE ELSE not the authentic ME.
So I have a lot of work to do and I definitely have some conflicts that need to be approached head on! I know this is lengthy but hopefully someone out there will read it and get inspired.
Feel free to leave a comment...I feel myself gradually opening up and not being ashamed of my shortcomings :-)
Monday, September 10, 2012
Bow to your Queen!

I came across this picture of my favorite couple...besides Barack and Chellie...and I had to post!! I love a man is not afraid to bow down to his woman because he respects her, wants to please her, let's her be the woman BUT remains KING! Some men are so caught up in their egos and they want to prove to people who could care less, that they are "running things" when the real ones who are really running it are not afraid for their woman to get their shine on. Being a King is knowing how to silently one needs to hear what a king does...he just IS. His woman is always right beside him and backing him up but he also knows when to let his Queen take control. The key to successful relationships is playing your position correctly. Let your man be a man and men let your woman be a woman. Controlling her does not show you are "the man"'s actually the total opposite. I definitely love my King and he is not intimidated by my Queen status! We stay in our lanes and never let anyone shake the castle.
The Carters just gave me some end of the day inspiration....
....catch up ni99az
Friday, September 7, 2012
Girl Crush Alert!! #VMAs
I LOVE RIHANNA! She looked amazing last night! I love her with black hair and when it's short and that dress was EVERRRRRYTHANG!! She gave me a tingly feeling last night LOL! #dontjudgeme But seriously she is such a pretty girl...After following her on instagram she is one of my fave people! She just does her regardless of how people look at her but how she put herself out there yesterday you would never know she probably smoked 3 blunts on her way to the show! People criticize her choices but hey, she is still handling her business obviously and she isn't harming anyone else so I say LIVE YOUR LIFE!! *cues music* Here are a couple pictures of my girlfriend on the red carpet! And I enjoyed her opening performances....looks like they got my girl some dance lessons because I thought she was a terrible dancer when she first came out! She still is no Beyonce' but she's trying :-))
Last night, a lot of celebs gave the middle finger to the "no white after labor day" rule and I don't blame them. If you want to wear white in the dead of winter go for it! Rhi Rhi's dress was simply chic and the little bows tied on her shoulders were too cute! And Katy Perry looked great as well, I guess her and Rhi Rhi are hanging now. Katy is one of my favorite pop artists....
Overall the awards were ok and Kevin Hart is a fool! I looooved Lil Wayne and 2 Chainz performance, I'm sure I broke out in a sweat dancing in front of the tv as if I was on stage with them. Hey gotta get that workout in somehow.
Amber Rose looked gorgeous with her baby bump! I'm happy for her and Wiz Khalifa, grant it we never know how people's relationships are but from what I see they seem to be genuinely happy and in love with one another. I think they make the perfect odd couple! They both push the boundaries with fashion, stick to no trends and could care less what others think about them.
Last night, a lot of celebs gave the middle finger to the "no white after labor day" rule and I don't blame them. If you want to wear white in the dead of winter go for it! Rhi Rhi's dress was simply chic and the little bows tied on her shoulders were too cute! And Katy Perry looked great as well, I guess her and Rhi Rhi are hanging now. Katy is one of my favorite pop artists....
Overall the awards were ok and Kevin Hart is a fool! I looooved Lil Wayne and 2 Chainz performance, I'm sure I broke out in a sweat dancing in front of the tv as if I was on stage with them. Hey gotta get that workout in somehow.
Amber Rose looked gorgeous with her baby bump! I'm happy for her and Wiz Khalifa, grant it we never know how people's relationships are but from what I see they seem to be genuinely happy and in love with one another. I think they make the perfect odd couple! They both push the boundaries with fashion, stick to no trends and could care less what others think about them.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Project Runway Here I Come....
Hmmm Maybe not! lol But I just wanted to share my sweatshirt that I created! I'm so excited, I've been working on my budget and trying to use what I have to create different outfits or just making the old into new! I've began "thrifting" and I found a good amount of things and only spent $25!! One of my finds was this $3 hoodie in the men's department and I shredded and studded it up!
This took all of 20 minutes! I cut the neck off the sweatshirt, then cut the slits down the back! I also added about 7 studs/spikes to the ends of the slits but they are hard to see in this picture. I also added a piece of denim and tied it around the last slit...I have a few other things I want to add to it but I'm excited!
I hope you like! Youtube is my new best friend :-)))
This took all of 20 minutes! I cut the neck off the sweatshirt, then cut the slits down the back! I also added about 7 studs/spikes to the ends of the slits but they are hard to see in this picture. I also added a piece of denim and tied it around the last slit...I have a few other things I want to add to it but I'm excited!
I hope you like! Youtube is my new best friend :-)))
Friday, August 31, 2012
Fasting...once again!
Once again, i have lost focus so I will be taking another fast from FB and a partial fast from Instagram! Twitter isn't that bad...I rarely get on there. I got a lot accomplished during my last fast so we'll see what I can get done this go round.
We all need to constantly regroup and get our focus back! I need to just fast from my dag on cell phone! That thing is detrimental to a sista's health! LOL!
I just saw this quote at the bottom of an email that was sent to me this morning!! This is soooooooo true and I read it about 5 times because each portion of the quote has pertained to me over the past couple months so I have to keep pushing instead of giving in:
"Life ends; when you stop Dreaming, Hope ends; when you stop Believing, Love ends; when you stop Caring, And Friendship ends; when you stop Sharing"
Have a good weekend!!!
We all need to constantly regroup and get our focus back! I need to just fast from my dag on cell phone! That thing is detrimental to a sista's health! LOL!
I just saw this quote at the bottom of an email that was sent to me this morning!! This is soooooooo true and I read it about 5 times because each portion of the quote has pertained to me over the past couple months so I have to keep pushing instead of giving in:
"Life ends; when you stop Dreaming, Hope ends; when you stop Believing, Love ends; when you stop Caring, And Friendship ends; when you stop Sharing"
Have a good weekend!!!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Honesty Hour
My head is nose is stuffy just need some type of pill to take the pain away
Pain of not knowing...Pain of confusion...Pain of fear....Pain of change
One day I have it figured all out then the next day I'm back to negative square one
The saying goes when you don't have a answer stand still and wait for God to show...
But what if you've been standing still for 8 years??? Is there a limit on when to stay and when to go??
My mind is racing 1000 miles a minute but can't make one single decision to push me to the limit
You pray and pray and pray and pray....just to do the same things each and every day
Exploring all avenues but none seem to generate revenue...
It's never about the money but bills gotta get paid honey!
Wanting to do what I love but what that is...I have no clue
Focusing in...but i always give in
Efforts always seem to go unnoticed.
Wish I could see that smiling face instead i'm trapped in the rat race
Wishing we could be paid to see the world...there has to be a way
Distance and life drain the spice...being real tight would be so nice
Longing for something I can't seem to find but feeling so blessed there should be no stress
Reminding myself I'm already equipped
If only there were a life instruction manual
This is the most random set of words I've ever put together, some rhyme and some don't just thoughts amongst the brain. Honesty Hour was inspired by Alex Elle...
Pain of not knowing...Pain of confusion...Pain of fear....Pain of change
One day I have it figured all out then the next day I'm back to negative square one
The saying goes when you don't have a answer stand still and wait for God to show...
But what if you've been standing still for 8 years??? Is there a limit on when to stay and when to go??
My mind is racing 1000 miles a minute but can't make one single decision to push me to the limit
You pray and pray and pray and pray....just to do the same things each and every day
Exploring all avenues but none seem to generate revenue...
It's never about the money but bills gotta get paid honey!
Wanting to do what I love but what that is...I have no clue
Focusing in...but i always give in
Efforts always seem to go unnoticed.
Wish I could see that smiling face instead i'm trapped in the rat race
Wishing we could be paid to see the world...there has to be a way
Distance and life drain the spice...being real tight would be so nice
Longing for something I can't seem to find but feeling so blessed there should be no stress
Reminding myself I'm already equipped
If only there were a life instruction manual
This is the most random set of words I've ever put together, some rhyme and some don't just thoughts amongst the brain. Honesty Hour was inspired by Alex Elle...
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Here's the video from Gabby Douglas & Michelle Obama on the tonight show!! I'm sooo happy for Gabby, her story was amazing and she was amazing at the Olympics setting records with her gold medal obtaining performances! And for everyone who has something to say about her hair....with her $90 million endorsement deals she can have a hair stylist with her EVERYDAY! Like a picture on Instagram said, while you getting gold streaks in your hair, i'm out hear winning gold pedals! #straightlikedatttt And Chellie is the bomb of course!! So down to earth and flyyyy!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
The Things We Don't See....
I took this beautiful photo as we were descending down to get back home from Atlanta. I love clouds! They let me know there is a God! Not that I don't believe that but whenever I'm around natural things it is a clear sign that God is always around us.
When we were flying through the clouds the sun was shining so bright, the sky was crystal clear and everything was perfect! As we began to get closer to the ground, that's when we were able to tell there was a overcast in Baltimore and it was so weird because right above it there was the closest thing to perfect! That was just inspiration to believe in the things the are not seen...FAITH! Sometimes we can't see our clear sky or sunny day but BELIEVE that it is there. What we see is not always our reality...
Don't let the bad days ruin the good ones...there will be a change for the better, it's only natural :-))
When we were flying through the clouds the sun was shining so bright, the sky was crystal clear and everything was perfect! As we began to get closer to the ground, that's when we were able to tell there was a overcast in Baltimore and it was so weird because right above it there was the closest thing to perfect! That was just inspiration to believe in the things the are not seen...FAITH! Sometimes we can't see our clear sky or sunny day but BELIEVE that it is there. What we see is not always our reality...
Don't let the bad days ruin the good ones...there will be a change for the better, it's only natural :-))
Crazy Laaady lol
Things you do when you are delirious and need to go to bed! Had a little fun with my wonderful iphone and frametastic app! I actually took all but the last photo back to back lol
Sometimes in life we can take things too seriously so free yourself from others opinions, make silly faces, eat lots of cupcakes and laugh as much as possible even if it's by yourself with yourself! I know I do it all the time :-))
Let's Go!!
This is my new fave song and video!! It reminds me of Chris Brown's Beautiful People! I've seen the video a couple times but never really payed close attention to the words or the video itself. But I just watched it and I started silent clapping lol at my desk when I saw my girl LaTonya who won Born To Dance!!! She is from DC and she worked soooo hard during that competition, I am very happy for her.
This is a great motivational song and a push to get moving on whatever it is you are trying to do! There is no time to waste, sometimes we have to drag ourselves out the bed but the goal is to GOOO!
"'s not about what you've done, it's about what you're doinnnnng" ~ Ne-Yo
This is a great motivational song and a push to get moving on whatever it is you are trying to do! There is no time to waste, sometimes we have to drag ourselves out the bed but the goal is to GOOO!
"'s not about what you've done, it's about what you're doinnnnng" ~ Ne-Yo
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Can you befriend a person who is unhappy with their life??
I was watching this interview with Oprah and 50 Cent...I've included a clip and the part that caught my attention (1:35) was when Oprah said you can only truly be friends with someone enjoys and is happy about their own life. She said if you are famous but I feel that can apply to people who are not famous as well. Now I'm not saying it is impossible to be friends with people who may not be totally fulfilled but the key word is can be friends but a TRUE friendship is best when both parties are happy with their life. Even if their circumstances may not seem like a situation you would be in, as long as they are happy a true friendship can be built. When there is envy, imitation, jealousy etc. that is not a true friendship. Grant it, there is nothing wrong with admiring a person and certain things they've done in their life but when you begin to covet and try to emulate their whole being, that is fake!
This world has turned into a bunch of look a likes and if you don't want to be apart of the "look a like" crew then you're considered a square. There is nothing wrong with doing what you want to do...when you do you actually feel more comfortable and that's where happiness comes from, then you are able to be a better friend to those around you. I can agree, it is hard to not pick up tendencies and get caught up in a "group" opinion when in friendships but we have to stay focused on our course and admire without trying to BE LIKE the next person. Some people like to have their own fan club and want people to be jealous of them but who wants to be surrounded by fakes and frauds?
Oprah's Next Chapter | Part 2 Interview with 50... by Ashley_Miller_3
This world has turned into a bunch of look a likes and if you don't want to be apart of the "look a like" crew then you're considered a square. There is nothing wrong with doing what you want to do...when you do you actually feel more comfortable and that's where happiness comes from, then you are able to be a better friend to those around you. I can agree, it is hard to not pick up tendencies and get caught up in a "group" opinion when in friendships but we have to stay focused on our course and admire without trying to BE LIKE the next person. Some people like to have their own fan club and want people to be jealous of them but who wants to be surrounded by fakes and frauds?
Oprah's Next Chapter | Part 2 Interview with 50... by Ashley_Miller_3
Monday, June 18, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
This video is one of the many reasons I love Nas! Been in the game and still raps with relevance and so many people can feel where he's coming from.
The lyrics and the video depicted a clear picture of how he was feeling and it was real bold of him to put out there the issues he's dealt with while raising his little girl. All men feel this way but some have a hard time showing it and others aren't bold enough to admit where they could have done a little better. Kids grow up so fast and a lot of time parents think we have all this time in the world, that kids don't have feelings and they'll always be there when we feel like being bothered with them. Life is short and kids may be there when they are adults but they will always remember things you've done when they were kids, both good and bad!
I know with the economy how it is, people have to work 10x harder so a lot of parents may be taken away from the home more often to be able to provide. It's so important to still try to find some type of way to make the kids feel special, spend some type of quality time and not just think gifts and money will compensate for that lack of attention.
"....they say the coolest playas and foulest heart breakers in the world God gets us back, he makes us have precious little girls"
The lyrics and the video depicted a clear picture of how he was feeling and it was real bold of him to put out there the issues he's dealt with while raising his little girl. All men feel this way but some have a hard time showing it and others aren't bold enough to admit where they could have done a little better. Kids grow up so fast and a lot of time parents think we have all this time in the world, that kids don't have feelings and they'll always be there when we feel like being bothered with them. Life is short and kids may be there when they are adults but they will always remember things you've done when they were kids, both good and bad!
I know with the economy how it is, people have to work 10x harder so a lot of parents may be taken away from the home more often to be able to provide. It's so important to still try to find some type of way to make the kids feel special, spend some type of quality time and not just think gifts and money will compensate for that lack of attention.
"....they say the coolest playas and foulest heart breakers in the world God gets us back, he makes us have precious little girls"
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Red Table Talk...AWESOME
I'm rushing right now so I'll update this post later this evening...but this video is amazing!! I'll upload part two as well i hope you looked at both videos, i know they are lengthly but if you are a family oriented person there was a lot one could take from and apply it to their families. Or get a glimpse into how some of our parents may feel but just never told us or never had the platform to speak on it. No parent is perfect and I'm sure ALL parents wish they may have done some things differently but if we get a deeper look into their past and childhood we will began to have empathy for some of the things we never understood about them. Then the child can be able to help the parent heal from some unresolved issues or just be on the same page of understanding. When we understand one another it's easier to forgive and be able to make relationships closer.
I love how Jada allowed Willow the freedom to express herself, a lot of kids are shut down because parents feel kids should have no say so or opinion but this is why a lot of adults do not know how to communicate and relationships crumble due to lack of communication. Grant it, some things are just not up for discussion but kids should be able to voice their opinions...RESPECTFULLY which shows them it's ok to speak as long as the motive is to come to a resolution. This shows kids at an early age that communication isn't meant to destroy but to build. Children today deal with a lot and they definitely need a way to get it out because as we can see, when children internalize their problems they let them out in violent, disrespectful and attention seeking ways.
I know i'll try my best to allow my son to tell me how he feels even if it's something I may not want to hear. But knowing how he feels will allow me to be a better mom to him. As adults we don't like to hear the truth and kids are the best source to get it from because it's innocent but not watered down at all! i hope you looked at both videos, i know they are lengthly but if you are a family oriented person there was a lot one could take from and apply it to their families. Or get a glimpse into how some of our parents may feel but just never told us or never had the platform to speak on it. No parent is perfect and I'm sure ALL parents wish they may have done some things differently but if we get a deeper look into their past and childhood we will began to have empathy for some of the things we never understood about them. Then the child can be able to help the parent heal from some unresolved issues or just be on the same page of understanding. When we understand one another it's easier to forgive and be able to make relationships closer.
I love how Jada allowed Willow the freedom to express herself, a lot of kids are shut down because parents feel kids should have no say so or opinion but this is why a lot of adults do not know how to communicate and relationships crumble due to lack of communication. Grant it, some things are just not up for discussion but kids should be able to voice their opinions...RESPECTFULLY which shows them it's ok to speak as long as the motive is to come to a resolution. This shows kids at an early age that communication isn't meant to destroy but to build. Children today deal with a lot and they definitely need a way to get it out because as we can see, when children internalize their problems they let them out in violent, disrespectful and attention seeking ways.
I know i'll try my best to allow my son to tell me how he feels even if it's something I may not want to hear. But knowing how he feels will allow me to be a better mom to him. As adults we don't like to hear the truth and kids are the best source to get it from because it's innocent but not watered down at all!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
BBW...pure bullshxt!
ok so I know I'm about a week late but oh well lol I just caught up on BBW from last week and it is a HOT MESS!!!!! Like I was pissed off watching the entire episode, I don't even know where to begin. I hate that I even watched it, well I didn't give them a rating since I missed it last week but still this show should not be supported at all! Granted, it's drama so you want to watch it to see "what's next" but really as black GROWN ASS WOMEN we gotta do better! First of all, none of these girls are wives! And the ones who are or were wives get picked at the most! The person who I'm most disappointed with is Shaunie, I always thought she was a very classy female before this show aired. But the fact that she allows these women to act a damn fool, prey on the weak and just embarrass blacks as a whole is just sad. I honestly don't even get the point of this show...all it shows is them drinking, getting mad at a different girl, fighting (none of them can really fight if you ask me) and wasting money to travel and just be miserable.
Tami....*sigh* I used to like Tami on the last season because she seemed to keep it real but now she is just a ignorant, sad, miserable, unresolved issue having bully! I really wish Keisha would have punched her and just took the L but gained a little respect. Grant it, violence is not the answer but really Tami was way out of line. And Susie is just going to ride with whoever isn't about to whoop her instigating, awful lisp having punk ass! She is always getting stuff started then trying to act like she doesn't know what's going on. She plays too many sides for me. Then them putting the fish and squid in Kenya's room was the epitome of immature, that is no wear near a "prank". Then Shaunie is actually sitting there allowing it. This is the ultimate example of one has a mind of their own everyone wants to follow the majority. I don't even understand why Jen and Kenya more thing, when did Evelyn become so gutta??? I missed something smh
I'm not going to go on and on because I've done enough but we really have to start boycotting these shows (me included) because we are allowing the media to continuously portray us in a bad light. These shows are the main reason other cultures, not just white people, look at us crazy because they assume this is how we all are. Some cultures are not around blacks, so all they see is what is shown on tv and how some of us act in public. These are supposed to be classy GROWN women with kids and this should not be a depiction of how "friendships" work. None of these women are friends at all!
I love La La's show but she gets no attention because her show actually shows a real woman doing what she has to do while maintaining a good relationship with her HUSBAND and child. She also has great working friendships that too have issues but they show the grown up way to handle disagreements between real friends. But as we see, La La's show only gets 30 minutes because it's a drama free show but the BBB (basketball bxtches) get an entire hour. But this is what our society has come to...DRAMA filled ignorance.
....ok i'm done
Tami....*sigh* I used to like Tami on the last season because she seemed to keep it real but now she is just a ignorant, sad, miserable, unresolved issue having bully! I really wish Keisha would have punched her and just took the L but gained a little respect. Grant it, violence is not the answer but really Tami was way out of line. And Susie is just going to ride with whoever isn't about to whoop her instigating, awful lisp having punk ass! She is always getting stuff started then trying to act like she doesn't know what's going on. She plays too many sides for me. Then them putting the fish and squid in Kenya's room was the epitome of immature, that is no wear near a "prank". Then Shaunie is actually sitting there allowing it. This is the ultimate example of one has a mind of their own everyone wants to follow the majority. I don't even understand why Jen and Kenya more thing, when did Evelyn become so gutta??? I missed something smh
I'm not going to go on and on because I've done enough but we really have to start boycotting these shows (me included) because we are allowing the media to continuously portray us in a bad light. These shows are the main reason other cultures, not just white people, look at us crazy because they assume this is how we all are. Some cultures are not around blacks, so all they see is what is shown on tv and how some of us act in public. These are supposed to be classy GROWN women with kids and this should not be a depiction of how "friendships" work. None of these women are friends at all!
I love La La's show but she gets no attention because her show actually shows a real woman doing what she has to do while maintaining a good relationship with her HUSBAND and child. She also has great working friendships that too have issues but they show the grown up way to handle disagreements between real friends. But as we see, La La's show only gets 30 minutes because it's a drama free show but the BBB (basketball bxtches) get an entire hour. But this is what our society has come to...DRAMA filled ignorance.
....ok i'm done
Monday, May 21, 2012
Family Yard Sale!!
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Aunt Gail pullin people in off the Ave! |
I get even more excited now days about our family events because for years I had prayed to God that our family would get back close how we were when I was younger and I'm starting to see him WERKK! Over the years, people kind of drew apart or got in to little cliques because of small family drama or just being caught up in the daily routine of life and not taking out time to spend with relatives. Even before the family reunion planning began, I saw a lot of us begin to come back together. Now no one is perfect, we are all still a work in progress but the important part is...there is progress being made. So when the family reunion meetings and events began things just started rolling and I am so happy! I have a really large family and when we get together it's always a partaaayy and that's how things should be. Life is about living and with those who love us.
Just something I thought I would share because family is very important, immediate or extended. If there are beefs going on, be the bigger person to call that family member and just move on. The only times families get together should NOT just be at funerals...because then it's too late and you realized how much you've missed out on or how unimportant everything else was in the big frame of things.
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Aunt Kellie partying to Chuck! |
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Some of the fam! LOVE |
Friday, May 18, 2012
I need some creative ideas for wall colors for our spare bedroom! I love to paint but I have such a hard time figuring out colors because I just want to use them ALL lol Right now we just have our computer with a very modern computer table so I want something kind of chic. Don't want it to look like an office but a cool creative type room. We'll eventually put a futon and maybe one of those over sized bean bags to add some coziness....
I even had a image in my head to color block the room! Color blocking is the newest trend...maybe paint the ceiling one pop color then the accent wall another bold color then leave the other walls plain and add wall art and my own photographs.
*googles images for creative spaces*
I even had a image in my head to color block the room! Color blocking is the newest trend...maybe paint the ceiling one pop color then the accent wall another bold color then leave the other walls plain and add wall art and my own photographs.
*googles images for creative spaces*
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Babies Having Babies...
so I'm catching up on 16 & pregnant...yup I'm probably the only person who still tunes into that show. It's just more interesting to me now that I'm a mom to see how these teens think motherhood is a walk in the park and they'll be able to have a baby and carry on with their lives. The funniest part to me is when they go out looking for baby supplies and they get smacked in the face with how much all this stuff costs! And it also takes me back to when I was preggers and I get teary eyed every time the babies are delivered #dontjudgeme. Motherhood is a BIIIG adjustment but well worth it and routines and schedules are makes life so much easier.
But the craziest thing I saw with the most recent couple is, the grandmother of the father allowed his girlfriend to move in after 3 months of them dating...WTF!! To no surprise, the couple ended up pregnant! Now the grandmother is soo upset and she tells them they have to move out after the baby is born! That part pissed me off to the fullest! First of all, there is no way in hell my son will have girl's spending the night at no age actually, hell when they come visit they aren't even allowed in his bedroom! If you're old enough to lay up you're old enough to get your own place. Then they are sleeping in the same bed so what in the hell did she expect??? I understand she was disappointed but I don't think it's fair for parents to allow and condone children to partake in irresponsible actions then when the inevitable happens then the want to become this big disciplinarian. Kids and teens have parents and guardians to help guide their decision making, you can give them freedom to think and express themselves but some things just aren't happn'n! I really did not understand what she thought two horny 16 year olds would really be doing in a room together, laid up in the bed every day and night, with no boundaries?? #cmonson
I know this is a very random post but I just couldn't believe how she flipped the script on them!
But the craziest thing I saw with the most recent couple is, the grandmother of the father allowed his girlfriend to move in after 3 months of them dating...WTF!! To no surprise, the couple ended up pregnant! Now the grandmother is soo upset and she tells them they have to move out after the baby is born! That part pissed me off to the fullest! First of all, there is no way in hell my son will have girl's spending the night at no age actually, hell when they come visit they aren't even allowed in his bedroom! If you're old enough to lay up you're old enough to get your own place. Then they are sleeping in the same bed so what in the hell did she expect??? I understand she was disappointed but I don't think it's fair for parents to allow and condone children to partake in irresponsible actions then when the inevitable happens then the want to become this big disciplinarian. Kids and teens have parents and guardians to help guide their decision making, you can give them freedom to think and express themselves but some things just aren't happn'n! I really did not understand what she thought two horny 16 year olds would really be doing in a room together, laid up in the bed every day and night, with no boundaries?? #cmonson
I know this is a very random post but I just couldn't believe how she flipped the script on them!
These are two pieces I need in my wardrobe for the spring/summer! I am a lover of colors and prints...this dress is AMAZING!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Learning New Things!!
Soooo I've finally learned how to add tabs to my blog!! I'm so excited because now I can have things a little more organized. I hope I don't go crazy! But enjoy the new changes and let me know what you think...
Have a good day today and make it count! Create your own lane...
Have a good day today and make it count! Create your own lane...
Monday, April 23, 2012
Time Flies! Just looking through my pregnancy pics and I remember those pics like yesterday! Now my fat man is going on 3 months and getting bigger and busier by the minute *tears* ...As crazy as it sounds I actually miss being preggers, it was a very enjoyable and stress free pregnancy, labor and delivery. We try to enjoy each and every stage because they all move super duper fast!
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Yes My Boogy is a real dog! |
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Death Grip.... |
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7 1/2 months... |
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Cayden Xavier...True LOVE |
Great Day!
Just thought I'd write a short day has started out great! My fat man is beginning to sleep through the night 7 hours and more, in HIS OWN BED and wakes up even happier. We were all running a little late this morning but I still got to work early and in a great mood! Had a long talk with the man upstairs yesterday and I feel so good! I have some things that I need to find solutions to quick but I've gotten it off my chest and letting God work his magic sooo we'll see what the outcome is. I'm learning to not stress over things as much, well at least trying my hardest not to. Had a talk with my Papi Chulo lol and he let me know when things get confusing, make things less complicated, tackle the most important things and let everything else work themselves out. Every problem or situation may not have a solution right away so tackle what you can and just give the other situations time. Perception is key! Don't view everything as a BIG deal...just another quirk to make life more interesting and add to your story. I love my MAN! :-)
Enjoy your day, give positive energy and you'll receive it! PEACE!
Enjoy your day, give positive energy and you'll receive it! PEACE!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Eye Spy...We Spy...
Out the other day on me and Caydens walk we spyed a cool grungy trash can! So small but i love this kind of stuff...

Its the weirdest things that grab your attention. The norm gets overlooked, so if you're looked at as the weird one as long as you're true to will stand out to those that matter. I want my son to never be afraid to be who he wants to be not what others feel he should be because peoples change and trends change so you will never be able to keep up. I love our walks, we were all over Capitol Hill and Eastern Market and Cayden actually stayed up and enjoyed the walk :-)
We also came up on the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop...they have tons of classes so we will be checking them out in the future. Spend time with the kiddies, it does make a difference...a walk a talk a hug a good laugh, anything! The best things in life are definitely FREE...
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Its the weirdest things that grab your attention. The norm gets overlooked, so if you're looked at as the weird one as long as you're true to will stand out to those that matter. I want my son to never be afraid to be who he wants to be not what others feel he should be because peoples change and trends change so you will never be able to keep up. I love our walks, we were all over Capitol Hill and Eastern Market and Cayden actually stayed up and enjoyed the walk :-)
We also came up on the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop...they have tons of classes so we will be checking them out in the future. Spend time with the kiddies, it does make a difference...a walk a talk a hug a good laugh, anything! The best things in life are definitely FREE...
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Monday, April 16, 2012
It's soooo amazing how technology allows you to pretty much bring people back from the dead! Below is a video from the Coachella music festival showing a hologram performance from the late and great Tupac!
I was just saying to myself I have to make it to this music festival one year. They have sooo many great artists and performances and I definitely have to experience it in the future...
I hope you enjoyed....I know I would've been stuck in a zone during the entire performance!
I was just saying to myself I have to make it to this music festival one year. They have sooo many great artists and performances and I definitely have to experience it in the future...
I hope you enjoyed....I know I would've been stuck in a zone during the entire performance!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Just thinking about LA...I can't wait to get back!! We are planning to go in October for my Mom's marathon and I'm sooo anxious already! LA weather alone will make you want to book a one way flight, minus the earthquakes lol
This pic is from when I was there a few years ago and I can't wait til we meet again. Until then I'll stay in La La Land in my dreams....
Hopefully we'll get to stunt in the Benz again!!
This pic is from when I was there a few years ago and I can't wait til we meet again. Until then I'll stay in La La Land in my dreams....
Hopefully we'll get to stunt in the Benz again!!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Positive Flow...
I saw this post on twitter last week and meant to blog about it but I had forgotten...

Im sure we all can relate to this...we all have those we want to help so bad but they just always seem to have issues, many they bring onto themselves and we feel obligated to save. Many people dont want to be saved they just are accustomed to chaos and hope you give them the advice they want to "hear" but they really dont want to take action to live a peaceful life...
Taking on the burdens of others slowly tears away at your inner self. Of course if you care about the person you will get frustrated, mad, sad etc and those are emotions we want to experience the least so its best to stay far far away unless truly necessary. But if you find yourself constantly listening to sob stories, drama and just downright negativity...runnnn....really really fast!! Before you know it you will find yourself feining for that chaos subconciously..
Sometimes we have to give tough love, they will thank you later.
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Im sure we all can relate to this...we all have those we want to help so bad but they just always seem to have issues, many they bring onto themselves and we feel obligated to save. Many people dont want to be saved they just are accustomed to chaos and hope you give them the advice they want to "hear" but they really dont want to take action to live a peaceful life...
Taking on the burdens of others slowly tears away at your inner self. Of course if you care about the person you will get frustrated, mad, sad etc and those are emotions we want to experience the least so its best to stay far far away unless truly necessary. But if you find yourself constantly listening to sob stories, drama and just downright negativity...runnnn....really really fast!! Before you know it you will find yourself feining for that chaos subconciously..
Sometimes we have to give tough love, they will thank you later.
- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Just Talk...
I think I've spoke on communication before but it is a bigggg contributing factor to whether or not a relationship (friends or significant others) will sink or float! But the hardest part is to get a person to communicate or feel comfortable enough to communicate with someone else. At the end of the day it boils down to detaching from your fears of the reaction you will get. Playing both sides as a good listener and communicator can affect and improve communication skills. We at times feel that a person will over react because that is what WE will do if we hear something that doesn't line up with what we want to hear. But we definitely have to be receptive to the truth or just another persons feelings or opinions. It takes one time to criticize a person for how they feel and the walls of communication come tumbling down....
I know I can be on the side of holding things in because I don't want to hurt a person's feelings, I don't want to hear their real reaction (even though we say we do...WE CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH)!! I also seen someone post on twitter how it is necessary to express yourself, good and bad things....that is how we remove those who aren't meant to be around and gain those who ARE meant to be around. I definitely agree but a lot of times we want to keep around the same people and are afraid to grow and get what we need from the new friends and associates that are waiting to help us move forward....
Just a random thought and reminder to myself of how I need to constantly work on communicating and being an even better listener....
I know I can be on the side of holding things in because I don't want to hurt a person's feelings, I don't want to hear their real reaction (even though we say we do...WE CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH)!! I also seen someone post on twitter how it is necessary to express yourself, good and bad things....that is how we remove those who aren't meant to be around and gain those who ARE meant to be around. I definitely agree but a lot of times we want to keep around the same people and are afraid to grow and get what we need from the new friends and associates that are waiting to help us move forward....
Just a random thought and reminder to myself of how I need to constantly work on communicating and being an even better listener....
Monday, April 2, 2012
"Marcy to Barclays"
New ad from Jigga word to describe it...EVOLUTION
One small idea can snowball into man great ideas. Like my previous blog stated, never despise small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10). That's what I'm trying to focus on now days, the small things and small beginnings. Taking advantage of ALL opportunities presented, not just ones that seem like will make a quick buck but ones that will allow me to mature and grow on the road to success.
I surely prayed for patience...God is definitely answering this prayer :-)
~ via Roc Nation
One small idea can snowball into man great ideas. Like my previous blog stated, never despise small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10). That's what I'm trying to focus on now days, the small things and small beginnings. Taking advantage of ALL opportunities presented, not just ones that seem like will make a quick buck but ones that will allow me to mature and grow on the road to success.
I surely prayed for patience...God is definitely answering this prayer :-)
~ via Roc Nation
First Day Back....

So today is my first day back to work and apart from my little man! :-(( I'm only in on MOndays and Tuesdays for this month then 5 days a week! I'm doing good...I haven't harassed my Ma to death, she's actually called me because I'm sure she knows I want to call her LOL! His Tia Morgan and Maikia are there also so pray he doesn't come back spoiled :-) I've loaded my office with his pics and I can't stop looking at the clock waiting for us to be reunited again...I love that little guy!
Just had to write to keep a sane mind...thank you Lord for your strenffff!
Mommy Loves You Cayden Mannnnnnn <3
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Just a quick post, people love to know that they are appreciated. Take the time out today to show a friend, loved one etc. how much they are appreciated. Whether it's a text, card or just a call to say thank you. When gratitude is shown it makes others want to continue to do more and not feel their actions are going unnoticed.
Just something that was on my mind and I thought I'd share! :-))
Friday, March 2, 2012
Never Despise Small Beginnings....
I'm a big fan of Tyler Perry, not just because of his movies but his overall message he sends as well as his story. I saw this video posted on FB and had to post it!
This was so on point for me!!! I have the tendency to despise small beginnings especially if I'm putting my all into something and it seems like efforts are going unnoticed. I'm always looking for the fireworks and the big break when like in the video, things can change instantly AT THE RIGHT TIME. I will just continue to prepare as far as my passion is concerned and the progression of my family.
Everyone has to start from somewhere and that waiting period is for a reason. Anything worth having is waiting for. Sometimes we feel like what's the point of taking the long way to our goals and dreams but staying the course promotes longevity. Shortcuts have short results....
Continue to be inspired!
So I haven't blogg
have sooo much to talk about!
First....I am a new mommy and am loving every single second of it!!! I gave birth to Cayden Xavier on
was 8lbs 13oz!! So to all those who swore up and down I would have a teeny baby...POW! Fooled ya :-) He is amazing and anything he does we think is sooo cute! Burps and farts included!! My pregnancy was amazing and labor and delivery was even better! Contractions are definitely the work of the devil but I handled them well *pats self really hard on the back* lol I had a great support system my entire pregnancy and that was and is a blessing in itself! Cayden is truly blessed!
I won't get too deep into everything being as though I'm a private person and I can talk for hours about my new love...I included a few pictures just to show everyone what I've been doing for the past month!!!!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Snapped Back...
Funny how things work themselves out...
I was just having a moment laying here frustrated (for no reason at all smh) and I logged on Twitter and Terry McMillan tweeted, when we wake up and before we got to sleep name 3 things we are grateful for. She said see how we feel different afterwards. I did that and I did feel different and realized I was just trippin. Us women have emotional, moments, days, weeks, etc. But we have to keep focused on all the good going on.
This post has nothing to do with anything in particular besides showing how a shift in thoughts can be a easy shift to a different mood.
Good Nite! Remember...what are YOU grateful for???
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Jay really giving up the word BXTCH??

I was browsing the net and saw that on top of the song Glory, Jay Z has also written a special letter to his princess saying he is giving up the word BXTCH! That is a big deal for the rapper who pretty much went toe to toe with Oprah about why the word wasn't as bad as people perceived it to be. Little Blue is changing Jay all around the board, can't wait to hear the new music that I'm sure will be soon to follow. Kids can bring the worst or best out of people and it seems she's doing the latter!
This is definitely a shocker after his line in 'Say Hello'..."when Jena 6 don't exist, tell em that's when i'll stop saying bxtch...bxxxxtchhh"
Below is the letter to Blue from Jay:
Before I got in the game, made a change, and got rich,
I didn’t think hard about using the word B—-.
I rapped, I flipped it, I sold it, I lived it
now with my daughter in this world
I curse those that give it.
I never realized while on the fast track
that I’d give riddance to the word bitch, to leave her innocence in tact.
No man will degrade her, or call her out her name
the women won’t despise her and call her the same.
I know it’s gonna miss me
cuz we been together like Nike Airs and crisp tees
when we all used to hang out front
singing 99 problems but a lady ain’t one.
Excuse me miss, can I be your mister
cuz I can tell the difference from a little girl and a sister,
She never grew up, her father left her alone
I promise not to talk like we used to
until Kingdom Come.
I’m so focused on your future,
The degradation has passed
I wish you wealth, health, and insight
forever young you may pass.
Blue Ivy Carter, my angel.
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