Sunday, July 11, 2010

Getting Organized...

Today I just took a day out for ME! I was supposed to have my bday dinner but I had to really just stop everything and get organized. My room was a total mess, my thoughts and everything were a mess because your environment has a big influence on your thought process. Between having clothes that hadn't been washed in over a month all over the floor, magazines, books, papers ect. all over the place I had to just regroup. I'm always ripping and running here and there and after talking with my girl Ezee her words on needing to unplug yourself often to gain focus...I did just that! THis pic is just one of MANY piles that were all over my floor. I was so inspired by something my Dad said as he walked by. I told him I was cleaning and he said "Hmm...I guess it's gets worst before it gets better" and I thought that was so good because it is so true! Whenever we are doing things the change is always uncomfortable and kind of hard to deal with but if you PUSH through it...things will get better. It's funny how the book PUSH becomes the focal point because I really didn't set this pile up this is exactly how things looked when my Dad walked by and I said let me take a pic of this and blog. So I have gotten rid of so much junk in here, got a load of clothes in and now I'm just preparing for my full work week. I feel very calm and at ease. This is definitely a very #random post...

Pray Until Something Happens....

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