Monday, August 29, 2011

Queen Bey is Preggers!!!!

Yes Yes Yes!! ya'll knew it was coming!! Jay and Bey are preggers!!! Bey revealed her baby bump at the 2011 VMA red carpet then she stamped it at her performance when singing "Love on Top" and she opened her jacket!! Jay's expression was priceless! I so love the Carters!

MTV Video Music Awards 2011 - BEYONCE "Love on Top" from Chokolate mmm on Vimeo.

Bey still knows how to rock the stage, in her high heels, fierce and preggers! So now the media can stop spreading rumors about Bey being pregnant for the millionth time! She definitely smacked the media in the face with this one. I love them! They keep their business so private that people often wonder so much that they have to make up things to say so now they gave people a small glimpse into their world and as we see they are very much in love. A relationship should have some sort of privacy because it keeps the intimacy between the couple. Relationships don't have to be validated by facebook, twitter or anyone else besides the two involved. Ok as I digress as usual, CONGRATS to the happy couple!!

By the way, Yeezy looks just as happy as Jay!


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Be YOU...

I love these few lines...I posted so I would have a reference when I wanted to read it again but I hope this will inspire everyone else as well! There is only one good at it!

"Don't be perfect
Be you
Don't be what you think they want you to be
Be what you know you are
Don't look outside yourself for anything
It's all within."
- Jackson Kiddard

- Checking in from my iPhone...I love everyone's feedback!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


For anyone that knows me know I'm always smiling or laughing at something! Don't ask me why, I just do! I also think a lot so sometimes I may be thinking about something funny and don't have a problem just laughing to myself out loud. I love this Kirk Franklin song and the video is simple but it's something about it that I love! Thought this would be a good mid day pick me up. I try not to take life so seriously so it's easy for me to laugh at stuff and smile. I have my terrible days but I try to find ways to deal with them and move forward. In the meantime...SMILE!! Plus bitter and miserable people don't know what to do with it LOL! *cheesing*

Facebook Detox

As a follow up to my previous post I thought I'd share that I'm putting myself through Facebook detox! I even wrote up an article entitled Social Networking: The Gifts & Curses of Facebook, I'll be submitting it to a magazine after I finish making all of my edits :-) Anyway, back to the topic at hand...I am addicted to Facebook! It's not as bad as it was when I first joined a couple years ago but now I log in more so out of boredom or as a means to procrastinate. Sometimes I'm going to type in a web address and I unconsciously type's when I knew I needed HELP!

When we are on Facebook we are doing exactly what my previous post stated, NOT minding our business! I also did research and Buzz Blog said that over 700 billion minutes a month are spent on Facebook...that is insane to me! And I'm sure I've contributed a great portion of those 700 billion minutes. I started to think Hmmm how much more could I get accomplished using those minutes doing more productive things with my time. I had a whole list of things and that's what I'm going to tackle during my detox. I've started with just a month so hopefully I will have something good to report after this is over. Plus, all we are reading about is a bunch of embellished lives, hyped up relationships, drama and looking at bottle poppin' and white girl wasted pics *shrugs* Definitely not knocking anyone but hey "it is what it is"....

I've already deactivated my page and I've caught myself almost activating it just to get a quick "hit" LOL Who knows, I may never get back on Facebook but I seriously doubt that but I may start a new page and become a "Productive Facebooker" using it to find businesses, groups and network with people trying to do the same things I am. Wish me luck! Well pray for a sista!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Mind Your Business!

.....was the title of the guest preacher's sermon at Zion Church yesterday. I tuned in online and I was so glad I did! Basically he was saying how we miss out on the life we are supposed to be living worried about what everyone else is doing. Which is soooo true, we fail to realize how time consuming being nosy and taking on other people's burdens can be. By the time you are focused on yourself you are too drained or distracted to do anything else. We all want to be there for the people we love to support them but sometimes we have to walk away.

He also spoke about how some of us don't know what "our business" is....which is so very true! He said the way to find our business is to think about the things that brings us happiness and people confirm that we are great at it, whatever that thing or those things are that is what we need to focus and put all our time and energy into. A lot of times we have to do things when we don't feel like it, that is what separates the ones who move to the next level, come into contact with the right people at the right time and do more than they could have imagined.

I have a feeling I know what my business is but sometimes I have a problem with knowing how to go about getting where I need to go. So for now I am just going to improve on these things, study, continue helping others and leave the rest in God's hands. The preacher used the FORM acronym to explain how to find "your business" which is...

F - What fires you up...
O - Others confirm it....
R - Remember what you've done well in the past....
M - It Makes others feel good...

I came up with a great idea to start doing with something I know I'm really good at so stay tuned! I should have something new on here within about a month! I'm excited, but i just can't let those "I don't feel like it" days slow me down.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

You Will Get There....

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." ~ Henry David Thoreau


I created this look on my new guilty pleasure site! I'm not too sure about the scarf but I thought I'd throw it in there...I love mint green polish and it is total opposite of the colors in the outfit. Those shoes...HAVE TO HAVE THEM! The jacket, have to find a replica b/c this one is almost $1000 #nobueno

Inspired by the tomboy in me LOL

Monday, August 15, 2011

Beautiful People....

For some reason when I listen to this song in the morning it gets me started off on the right foot. Weird, I know but it's a fun song and video! Everyone is beautiful in their own way and if we take the time to find the beauty instead of flaws things would be a lot better.

I recently stopped believing in flaws, what we think are "flaws" are the things that make you...YOU! Of course we all have things we need to work on but who doesn't?? I've been working hard lately on not judging because as one of my previous posts stated earlier "everyone has a story".....Also putting negative thoughts about people into others head is not fair, if you feel a certain type way about someone, keep it to yourself unless the other person has a way of defending themselves. We all like to vent but sometimes venting to the wrong person can eventually become damaging.

as I digress (as usual)....LIVE...LOVE....LAUGH! I have the laughing part down packed, don't take life too seriously :-))

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Passion vs Money

I'm finally posting from my poll question I added a while ago. From the whopping 4 people who voted I see that 50% of people are afraid to pursue their true passion out of fear of not having enough money.

I am also one of those people who is terrified of change, I've been coming out of my comfort zone for the past year and it feels great but when it comes to money I'm still stuck in my zone. It's always that question "well how am I going to pay my bills"??? I've always had this fear of being flat broke so I'm always stashing money, saving etc. But I have passions I want to pursue but by the time I get off from my 9-5 I'm dead tired. I'm really thankful for my job especially in these financially trying times but I know I have more in me. I just have to discipline myself to maximize the free time I do have instead of being lazy or participating in useless activities.

My small piece of advice to my fellow "passion pursuers" don't quit your day job UNLESS it is just something that you hate and is emotionally draining and you just can't take it! lol With doing that you will have to downsize your lifestyle in order to make ends meet with the funds you bring in from your passion, if any in the beginning. But back to my advice (did I mention I think I have adult ADHD), put your all into whatever side career you are pursuing. Spend any free time practicing, networking, marketing yourself etc. A lot of times we will have to say NO to a lot of people but you know it's for the better. Also use the extra money from the 9-5 to fund your passion. A lot of times we can teach ourselves many things but we have to be dedicated and disciplined to do it.

We have everything we need WITHIN ourselves to do anything we want! We just can't let what society says and the "norm" scare us away. Even if we just read a book about whatever we're pursuing, that is better than nothing. When we take one step, God takes the next and HE will put us in contact with the right people and put us at the right places at the right time. But if we don't make a move neither will HE. We only get one life to live so why not enjoy it as much as possible! When you are doing what you love the money will follow, I used to just think that was just a cliche' but I've seen many examples of individuals stepping out on faith and everything working out in the end. They are more financially stable than they were in their comfort zone and living a fulfilled life.

Trust me, I am still a work in progress so I wrote this so I can continuously read it for myself because I'm still in a "stuck" phase but I hope this helped someone else in the meantime!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Now Listening.... Watch The Throne! I'm doing work and trying to listen so I've been doing a lot of rewinding but so far this thing is GREAT! Not because I'm a Jay fan but this is a well put together album. Especially compared to what is being put out these far my fave songs are "Lift Off" with QUEEN BEY and "Ni99@$ in Paris"...I love this beat and the words. "Gotta Have It" has a lot of cool punch lines. My fave "lucky lefty I expect a 7" being as though I'm a lefty and 7 is my fave number, I'm practically obsessed with sevens!!!!

I'm getting even more excited about the show and pissed at the same time because it's almost 3 WHOLLEEEEE months away!!

Make sure you get a copy off iTunes and the hard copies will be in Best Buy on August 12th...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


How rude of me! I never introduced everyone to my new puppy!!! My red toy poodle's name is Boogy and I love him sooo much! We have spoiled him already...I had been looking for this dog for years ever since I saw Rihanna with it I had to have it. I love his color and he's so bite sized lol It was a surprise birthday gift from my boo thang and I had no clue I was getting him. He already thinks he's a human and he has to sleep on the pillows or up against someone's back, stomach or legs. Buying him a bed was a waste of money! But how could you not let such a cute little teddy bear do whatever he wants??? ok nothing more to say but heeeeere's Boogy!! :-)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Everyone Has a Story....

I came across this very interesting documentary on twitter directed by Corey Davis a film director out of Atlanta. He's also apart of the City of Ink Family. This film literally had me in tears....PLEASE WATCH!! It's pretty lengthy but well worth it. We all make jokes about crackheads, unks etc. but everyone has a story. From this video we see that a lot of people got hooked and never saw it coming. It took one traumatic change in their life that they could never bounce back from. Others just experimented or it was apart of their lifestyle at the moment and ended up losing everything to just support a habit they fell hard in. These individuals all had potential, dreams and talents and all so quickly they can be washed away.

This definitely showed me how blessed I really am and that one bad decision can really bring a lifetime of pain. BUT I still feel their life isn't will definitely take a lot of dedication, discipline and support to get their lives back on track but they have to WANT it. Some feel there is no way out but all it takes is that one person willing to listen and can begin to spark a interest in change. Thanks Corey Davis for shedding light on this epidemic that is still ruining lives and families.

Get to know the pages before you judge the books cover.....

J is for Junkie [Full Length] from Greedmont Park on Vimeo.

Greedmont TV presents a documentary by Corey Davis on a group crack addicts in Atlanta who live outside in a small cove behind a Texaco, infamously dubbed as the "Living Room." They share their stories and tell us what it's like to battle with a deadly addiction to crack-cocaine. "Growing up I never had a father, because he was out running the streets getting high… Right around the time I was born, the mid 80′s, African-American communities across the country was struck by the crack epidemic. Which robbed us our prideful culture and instantly perverted it into a counter-culture where playgrounds became warzones and families were destroyed." [Directed by Corey Davis]