Monday, August 22, 2011

Mind Your Business!

.....was the title of the guest preacher's sermon at Zion Church yesterday. I tuned in online and I was so glad I did! Basically he was saying how we miss out on the life we are supposed to be living worried about what everyone else is doing. Which is soooo true, we fail to realize how time consuming being nosy and taking on other people's burdens can be. By the time you are focused on yourself you are too drained or distracted to do anything else. We all want to be there for the people we love to support them but sometimes we have to walk away.

He also spoke about how some of us don't know what "our business" is....which is so very true! He said the way to find our business is to think about the things that brings us happiness and people confirm that we are great at it, whatever that thing or those things are that is what we need to focus and put all our time and energy into. A lot of times we have to do things when we don't feel like it, that is what separates the ones who move to the next level, come into contact with the right people at the right time and do more than they could have imagined.

I have a feeling I know what my business is but sometimes I have a problem with knowing how to go about getting where I need to go. So for now I am just going to improve on these things, study, continue helping others and leave the rest in God's hands. The preacher used the FORM acronym to explain how to find "your business" which is...

F - What fires you up...
O - Others confirm it....
R - Remember what you've done well in the past....
M - It Makes others feel good...

I came up with a great idea to start doing with something I know I'm really good at so stay tuned! I should have something new on here within about a month! I'm excited, but i just can't let those "I don't feel like it" days slow me down.


  1. I likeyyyy!! Go Esh!! I need to find out what my business is and get to it!! ;-) I can understand why M would be "move into action", but I wasn't at the service, so I can't say yay or nay for it.

  2. Yes girl! check it out online once they update the sermons...i was trying to rewind the live stream and everything LOL
