Monday, November 7, 2011

Law of Attraction

This is a quick post...just had to share that the Law of Attraction is REAL! We all should take out time to create vision boards, small or large. i created one earlier in the year and I was looking over it and I have accomplished or received almost everything on my board. When we can visualize what we want, we now have something to focus on and we eventually will get what it is we see! It's not a magic trick, some other religion or anything spooky like's just visual goal forecasting. I've always heard Oprah talk about Vision Boards but thought it would not work for me but I will be starting on my second one in the near future. This time, me and my love are making a joint board, we're really going to dream BIG and we'll see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. yes I completely believe in the law of attraction and vision boards!!
