Monday, June 13, 2011


Gratitude: thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation is a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive

I've been really slacking on blogging lately, I've been kind of busy doing other things in my spare time but I promise I'm back on it! I thought Gratitude would be a great topic to come back plain and simple definition is appreciation of anything a person does for me, whether it be big or small! Having gratitude and being humble go hand in hand, life has a way of humbling all people who have a sense of entitlement, in other words ungrateful people!

We have to realize, we came in this world alone and we will leave alone so NO ONE...i repeat NO ONE owes us anything! The only person we can hold accountable is God based on His promises to us and even with that we may not get the very things we ask for but we will get the things that we need and that are best for us. So anytime someone does anything even if it's just a simple compliment that brightens up our day, we need to be thankful for that. It's the smallest gestures that make a huge difference in our day to day living. Individuals are always looking for fireworks, blow horns and fire spitting monkeys in order to be happy. when little things no longer make you happy, you will NEVER get to get the bigger things in life. Why would God give us more when we don't appreciate what we already have?? We sometimes need to take a look inside and see what's the problem when nothing makes us happy. Why do we always nag?? Why do we always complain?? Why do we feel it's others job to clean up our mess we made?? It's a form of self hate...point blank. When we hate who we are as individuals there is nothing any one or any THING can do on the outside to bring satisfaction.

This is why there are tons of sick minded people in this world because instead of searching within themselves they point the finger at others, throw dirt on others names etc. because they want everyone to feel like they do and try to make themselves feel better. When in reality the problem hasn't been solved! Everyone continues on with their life and see these individuals for who they really are. It's time for us (me included) to GIVE more, then you RECEIVE 10x what you put out. Don't give just to get something out of, give from your heart. Even if it's not appreciated just do it because it's the right thing to do. Good Givers are Good Getters as Russell Simmons would say and we all know he's getting IT! lol

Always remember, HURT PEOPLE...HURT PEOPLE and there are some things you can overlook but when you are no longer appreciated or respected it's time to re evaluate your self worth and make the necessary changes. We can make this world a lot better if we get out of our own way and think about ways to help others and we ALL will benefit in the end :-))

Kind of long but it's with good intention....

1 comment:

  1. Yayay your back.......... This was a great post and a good reminder of how thankful we should be over ther lil things so God can trust us with ther big things. You are so right hurt people .....hurt people and its sad bc they will miss out on a lot n life just being mad smh... Good one son son love you
